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Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 49, Nr 2. The crisis and beyond. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2012.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 49, Nr 3. The global village. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2012.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 49, Nr 4. Philanthropy sowing change. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2012.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 50, Nr 4. Into the unknown. Global trade"s uncertain course. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2013.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 51, Nr 1. Europe"s Union, step by step. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 51, Nr 2. Asia reaching for the top. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 51, Nr 3. Past forward : The future of global economics. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 51, Nr 4. The fight for global health. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 52, Nr 1. Jobs on the line. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2015.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 52, Nr 2. Could you live on $1.25 a day?. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2015.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 53, Nr 1. The big squeeze. Global population pressures. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2016.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 53, Nr 2. Africa. Growth"s ups and downs. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2016.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 53, Nr 3. Smart technology takes flight. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2016.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 53, Nr 4. Globalization. Insiders, outsiders. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2016.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 54, Nr 1. Growth conundrum. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2017.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 54, Nr 3. Global Cooperation. An Uphill Battle. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2017.


Financial development in the Middle East and North Africa / Susan Creane, Rishi Goyal, A.M. Mobarak, Randa Sab. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - 20p..


Financial programming and policy: the case of Hungary / Ed. by K. A. Swiderski; International Monetary Fund. - Washington: IMF Institute; International Monetary Fund, 1992. - 5, 205p..


Financial programming and policy: the case Sri Lanka / Prepar. by a Staff team in the IMF institute led by S. Rajcoomar and M. Bell with J. Karlik a. o.; Intern. monet. fund. - Washington: IMF Institute, International monetary fund, 1996. - IX,278p..


Financial sector assessment program: Evaluation report / IMF, Independent evaluation office; Prepared by D.Goldsbrough a.o.. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2006. - 9,99 p..


Fiscal adjustment in IMF - supported programs: Evalution report / International monetary fund, Independent evaluation office. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2003.


Fiscal federalism in theory and practice: Ed. T. Ter-Minassian. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1997. - XIII,701p..


Fiscal management of scaled-up aid / S. Gupta, G. Schwartz, S. Tareq, R. Allen, I. [ Adenauer; Sanjeev Gupta [et. al.]. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2008. - 11, 67 p..


Fiscal monitor: fiscal exit: from strategy to implementation : November 2010 / International Monetary Fund. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2010. - XIV, 138 p.. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Fiscal monitor: public expenditure reform : making difficult choices : April 2014 / International Monetary Fund. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014. - VIII, 90, [1] p.. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).

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