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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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Exchange rate analysis with a case study on Poland. [Електронний ресурс] / IMF institute; Harvard university. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1998. - 1 CD-ROM. - НПЗ: Pentium 75 MHZ; Quad speed CD-ROM drive; 16-bit audio; 16-bit graphics (thousands of colors, 640x480); Microsoft Windows 3.11 or higher; Windows 95 recommended. Посібник для корист. та назва на етик. контейнера.


Exchange rate arrangements and currency convertibility: developments and issues / Prepared by a staff team led by R. B. Johnston a. o.. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1999. - X,171p..


External debt and capital flight in Sub-Saharan Africa / Ed. S. Ibi Ajayi, M. S. Khan. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2000. - VII,321p..


External debt statistics: Guide for compilers and users. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2003. - XVI,309p..


External debt statistics: guide for compilers and users 2013 / [Inter-agency task force on finance statistics]. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014. - XVI, 331 p..


External evaluation of IMF economic research activities: Report by a group of independent experts. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2000. - IV,88p..


External finance for low-income countries: Papers presented at the IMF and World bank conference on External financing for low-income countries, December 10-11,1996 / Ed. Z. Iqbal, R. Kanbur. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1997. - XIV,235p..


Fasano, Ugo GCC countries: from oil dependence to diversification / Ugo Fasano, Zubair Iqbal. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - 19p..


Finance and development: A quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 41, Nr 2. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2004.


Finance and development: A quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 41, Nr 3. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2004.


Finance and development: A quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 41, Nr 4. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2004.


Finance and development: A quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 42, Nr 1. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005.


Finance and development: A quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 42, Nr 2. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005.


Finance and development: A quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 42, Nr 3. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005.


Finance and development: A quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 42, Nr 4. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 46, Nr 4. Climate change stimulating a green recovery. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2005.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 47, Nr 1. Prize or penalty. When sports help economies score. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2010.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International monetary fund. Vol. 47, Nr 2. Asia leading the way. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2010.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 47, Nr 3. Restoring hope : reinvigorating the millennium development goals. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2010.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 47, Nr 4. Emerging markets. A place at the table. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2010.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 48, Nr 1. Latin America. An end to boom and bust?. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2011.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 48, Nr 2. Wising up to the costs of aging. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2011.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 48, Nr 3. All for one: why inequality throws us off balance. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2011.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 48, Nr 4. Changing Africa : rise of a middle class. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2011.


Finance and development: a quarterly publication of the International Monetary Fund. Vol. 49, Nr 1. Youth demanding Change. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2012.

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