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Fiscal monitor: back to work : how fiscal policy can help : October 2014 / International Monetary Fund. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014. - X, 99, [1] p.. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Fiscal monitor: acting now, acting together : April 2016. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2016. - X, 110, [2] p.. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Fiscal monitor: debt: use it wisely : October 2016 / International Monetary Fund. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2016. - X, 98, [4] p.. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Fiscal policies in economies in transition / Ed. by V. Tanzi. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1995. - V,359p..


Fiscal policy formulation and implementation in oil-producing countries / Ed. J. M. Davis, R. Ossowski, A. Fedelino. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - VI,484p..


Fiscal policy to mitigate climate change: a guide for policymakers / ed. W.H. Parry, Ruud de Mooij, and Michael Keen. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2012. - XX, 198 p..


Fondo monetario internacional Informe anual. 2004. - Washington: Fondo monetario internacional, 2004.


Foreign direct investment: trends, data availability, concepts, and recording practices / Neil Patterson, Marie Montanjees, John Motala, Colleen Cardillo; International Monetary Fund. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2004. - 6,36p..


Foreign direct investment statistics: How countries, measure FDI 2001 / International monetary fund. - Washington: International monetary fund; OECD, 2003. - VIII,159p..


Frameworks for monetary stability: Policy issues and country experiences: Papers present. at the 6th seminar on central banking, Washington, D. C. March 1-10, 1994 / Ed. T. J. T. Balino, C. Cottarelli. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1994. - XI,755p..


From stimulus to consolidation: revenue and expenditure policies in advanced and emerging economies / a staff team led by Benedict Clements, Victoria Perry, and Juan Toro ; Fiscal affairs department. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2010. - X, 110 p..


Gardner, Edward Creating employment in the Middle East and North Africa. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - 15p..


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues. December. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2002. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues. March. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2002. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues. March. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues / International Monetary Fund. April. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2004. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues / International Monetary Fund. September. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2004. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues / International Monetary Fund. April. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues / International Monetary Fund. September. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues / International Monetary Fund. September. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2006. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Market developments and issues / International Monetary Fund. April. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2007. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: Financial market turbulence: causes, consequences, and policies / International Monetary Fund. October. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2007. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: containing systemic risks and restoring financial soundness / International Monetary Fund. April. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2008. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: financial stress and deleveraging macrofinancial implications and policy / International Monetary Fund. October. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2008. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).


Global financial stability report: sovereignis, funding, and systemic liquidity / International Monetary Fund. October. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2010. - ( World economic and financial surveys ).

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