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пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.


25 years of transition: post-communist Europe and the IMF / J. Roaf, R. Atoyan, B. Joshi, K. Krogulski; International Monetary Fund ; James Roaf, Ruben Atoyan, Bikas Joshi, Krzysztof Krogulski and an IMF staff team. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014. - X, 62 p.. - ( Regional economic issues special report: Oct. 14 ).


A decade of transition: achievements and challenges / Ed. O. Havrylyshyn, S. M. Nsouli. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2001. - IX,272p..


A guide to direction of trade statistics. - Washington: International monetary fund, 1993. - VII,25p..


Abed, George Challenges of growth and globalization in the Middle East and North Africa / George Abed, Hamid Davoodi. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - III,33p..


Access to trade finance in times of crisis / Edited by J.-Y. Wang, M.Ronci. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005. - 9,129 p..


Africa: adjusting to the challenges of globalization: Proceedings of a seminar held in Paris, May 4-5, 1998 / Ed. L. Wallace. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1999. - XII, 201p..


Analysis of 1997 coordinated portfolio investment survey results and plans for the 2001 survey / Internatioonal monetary fund. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2000. - 80p..


Analytical issues in debt / Ed. by J. A. Frenkel, M. P. Dooley, P. Wickham. - Washington: International monetary fund, 1992. - V,415p..


Annual report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions [Електронний ресурс] / International Monetery Fund ; [ed. Griffin Kean L. et. al.]. - Washington: IMF, 2016. - 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). - Назва з етикетки диску.


Approaches to exchange rate policy choices for developing and transition economies: Papers presented at the seminar on exchange rate policies in developing and transition economies, December 3-11, 1992 / Ed. R. C. Barth, C.-H. Wong. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1994. - XI,298p..


Arnone, M. Primary dealers in government securities / M.Arnone, P.Ugolini. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2005. - 5,92 р..


Articles of agreement of the International Monetary Fund: adopted at the United Nations monetary and financial conference, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, July 22, 1944. Entered into force December 27, 1945.... - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2000. - 9,115 p..


Asser, Tobias Legal aspects of regulatory treatment of banks in distress. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2001. - VII,186p..


Balance of payments compilation guide / International Monetary Fund. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1995. - 10,380p..


Balance of payments manual / Internaional monetary fund. - 5th. ed., 2nd printing. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1997. - XII,188p..


Balance of payments statistics: yearbook / International Monetary Fund. Vol.55, part 1. Country tables. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2004.


Balance of payments statistics: yearbook / International Monetary Fund. Vol.55, part 2, 3. World and regional tables ; Methodologies, compilation practices, and data sources. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2004.


Balance of payments statistics: yearbook / International Monetary Fund. Vol. 62, part 1. Country tables. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2011.


Balance of payments statistics: yearbook / International Monetary Fund. Vol. 62, part 2, 3. World and regional tables ; Methodologies, compilation practices and data sources. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2011.


Balance of payments statistics: yearbook / International Monetary Fund. Vol. 65. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2014.


Balance of payments statistics [Електронний ресурс]: november 2015 / International monetary fund ; [pref.: Lois Marc Ducharme]. November 2015. - Washington: IMF, 2015. - 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). - ( Database and Browser ). - Назва з етикетки диску.


Balance of payments statistics [Електронний ресурс]: october 2015 / International monetary fund ; [pref. Lois Marc Ducharme]. October 2015. - Washington: IMF, 2015. - 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). - ( Database and Browser ). - Назва з етикетки диску.


Balance of payments statistics [Електронний ресурс]: february 2016 / International monetary fund. February 2016. - Washington: IMF, 2016. - 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). - ( Database and Browser ). - Назва з етикетки диску.


Balance of payments statistics [Електронний ресурс]: august 2016 / International monetary fund. August 2016. - Washington: IMF, 2016. - 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). - ( Database and Browser ). - Назва з етикетки диску.


Balance of payments statistics [Електронний ресурс]: june 2016 / International monetary fund. June 2016. - Washington: IMF, 2016. - 1 електрон. опт. диск (DVD-ROM). - ( Database and Browser ). - Назва з етикетки диску.

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