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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.


By-laws rules and regulations / International Monetary Fund. Issue 59. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003.


By-laws rules and regulations / International Monetary Fund. Iss. 62. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2011.


By-laws rules and regulations / International Monetary Fund. Iss. 64. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2017.


Caiola, Marcello A manual for country economists. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1995. - VII,175p.. - ( Training series. vol. 1 ).


Cambodia: Rebuilding for a challenging future / D.T. Coe, H. Lee, W.F. Abdelati, D. Eastman, R. a.o. Hagemann; D.T. Coe, H.Lee, W.F.Abdelati, D.Eastman, R.Hagemann a.o.. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2006. - 12,118 p..


Carey, K. Sub-Saharan Africa: forging new trade links with Asia / Kevin Carey, Sanjeev Gupta, Ulrich Jacoby; International Monetary Fund. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2007. - 7,55 p..


Central America: economic progress and reforms / Western hemisphere department ; ed. Dominique Desruelle, Alfred Schipke. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2008. - 11, 198 p..


Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic: challenges following the 2008-09 global crisis / ed. Marco Pinon [et al.]. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2012. - XI, 268 p..


Central America: structural foundations for regional financial integration / A staff team led by P.Brenner. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2006. - 127 p..


Central banking technical assistance to countries in transition: Papers and proceedings of meeting of donor and recipient central banks and international institutions / Ed. by J. B. Zulu, I. S. McCarthy, S. Almuina, G. Sensenbrenner; Internaional monetary fund. - Washington: International monetary fund, 1994. - VIII,156p..


Challenges to central banking from globalized financial systems: Papers presented at the 9th conference on central banking, Washington, D.C. September 16-17, 2002 / Ed. P. C. Ugolini a. o.. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - VIII,295p..


Changing customs: Challenges and strategies for the reform of customs administration / Ed. M. Keen. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2003. - XIII,187p..


China and India: Learning from each other: reforms and policies for sustained growth / Ed. by J. Aziz, S. Dunaway, E. Prasad. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2006. - 15,281p..


China competing in the global economy / Ed. by W. Tseng, M. Rodlauer with D. Robinson a. o.. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2003. - XIII,222p..


Choosing an exchange rate regime: the challenge for smaller industrial countries / Ed. by V. Argy, P. De Drauwe with a summary by J.J. Polak. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1990. - V,391p..


Civil service reform: strengthening World bank and IMF collaboration. - Washington: The World bank, 2002. - XII,84p.. - ( Directions in development ).


Commodity price volatility and inclusive growth in low-income countries / ed. Rabah Arezki [et al.]. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2012. - XX{V, 384 p..


Coordinated portfolio investment survey: Survey guide / Internaional monetary fund. - Washington: International monetary fund, 1996. - XIII,158p..


Coordinated portfolio investment survey guide / Internaional monetary fund. - 2nd. ed.. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2002. - XII,153p..


Coordinating public debt and monetary management: Institutional and operational arrangements / Editors V. Sundararajan, P. Dattels, H. J. Blommestein. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 1997. - XIX,419p..


Corker, Robert Kosovo: Macroeconomic issues and fiscal sustainability / Robert Corker, Dawn Rehm, Kristina Kostial. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2001. - VI,27p..


Cuc, M. Migration and remittances in Moldova / M.Cuc, E.Lundback, E.Ruggiero. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2005. - 7,71 p..


Current developments in monetary and financial law / Legal department. Vol.2. - Washington: International monetary fund, 1999. - 11,867p..


Current developments in monetary and financial law. Vol.3. - Washington: International monetary fund, 2005. - 11,995s..


Current developments in monetary and financial law / IMF, Legal department. Vol.4. - Washington: International Monetary Fund, 2005. - 11,852 p..

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