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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

Документи знаходяться у відкритому доступі за адресою:
пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.

IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/22 : Increasing public sector revenue in the Philippines: equity and efficiency considerations//K. Fletcher. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/23 : A (new) country insurance facility//T. Cordella, E. L. Yeyati. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/24 : Revenue forecasting - how is it done? Results from a survey of low-income countries//A. Kyobe, S. Danninger. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/25 : Monetary policy and corporate behavior in India//A. Prasad, S. Ghosh. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/26 : Stabilization, debt and fiscal policy in the Caribbean//R. Sahay. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/27 : Exchange rates in the new EU accession countries: what have we learned from the forerunners?//A. Bulir, K. Smidkova. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/28 : Inequality, poverty and growth: cross-country evidence//G. Iradian. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/29 : Eurosclerosis or financial collapse: why did Swedish incomes fall behind?//V.Cerra, S.C.Saxena. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/3 : Financial globalization and exchange rates//P. R. Lane, G. M. Milesi - Ferretti. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/30 : Issues in intergovernmental fiscal relations in China//E.Dabla-Norris. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/31 : The rise of U. S. antidumping activity in historical perspective//D. A. Irwin. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/32 : A simultaneous equations model for world crude oil and natural gas markets//N. Krichene. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/33 : Monetary and exchange rate dynamics during disinflation: an empirical analysis// A.J.Hamann., A. Arias a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/34 : Were bid-ask spreads in the foreign exchange market excessive during the Asian crisis?//T. Becker, A. Sy. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/35 : Tanzania`s growth process and success in reducing poverty//V. Treichel. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/36 : Regional trade arrangements in Africa: past performance and the way forward//Y. Yang, S. Gupta. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/37 : Hedging foreign exchange risk in Chile: markets and instruments//J. A. Chan-Lau. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/38 : Did the basel accord cause a credit slowdown in Latin America?//A. Barajas, R. Chami a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/39 : Exits from heavily managed exchange rate regimes//E.Detragiache, A. Mody a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/4 : The international effects of government spending composition//G. Ganelli. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/40 : The composition of capital flows: is South Africa different? /F. Ahmed a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/41 : A monetary policy rule for Jamaice /Y. Sun. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/42 : "Rules of thumb" for sovereign debt crises /P. Manasse, N. Roubini. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/43 : Rent seeking /S. Chakraborty, E. Dabla-Norris. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/44 : An estimated small open economy model of the financial accelerator /S. Elekdag a.o.. – 2005
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