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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

Документи знаходяться у відкритому доступі за адресою:
пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.

IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/45 : On the pattern of currency blocs in Africa /E. B. Yehoue. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/46 : Data consistency in IMF publications: country staff reports versus International financial statistics /A. Pellechio, J. Cady. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/47 : The disconcerting pyramids of poverty and inequality of Sub - Saharan Africa /P. S. Lopes. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/48 : How big are the benefits of economic diversification? Evidence from earthquakes /R. Ramcharan. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/49 : Does political instability lead to higher inflation? A panel data analysis /A. Aisen, F. J. Veiga. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/5 : Trade costs and real exchange rate volatility: the role of Ricardian comparative advantage//C. Bravo-Ortega, J. di Giovanni. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/50 : Establishing a performance management framework for government /J. Diamond. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/51 : The accountability of financial sector supervisors: principles and practice /E. Hupkes a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/52 : A latent factor model with global, country, and industry shocks for international stock returns /R. Brooks, M. Del Negro. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/53 : Why do some countries manage to extract growth from foreign aid? /J.-F. Ruhashyankiko. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/54 : How should subnational government borrowing be regulated? Some cross- country empirical evidence /R. Singh, A. Plekhanov. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/55 : Trade costs and location of foreign firms in China /M. Amiti, B. Smarzynska Javorcki. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/56 : On cyclicality in the current and financial accounts: evidence from nine industrial countries /J. R. Clausen, M. Kandil. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/57 : Government debt: a key role in financial intermediation /M. Kumhof, E. Tanner. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/58 : The implications of South African economic growth for the rest of Africa /V. Arora, A. Vamvakidis. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/59 : Implementing the Stability and Growth Pact: enforcement and procedural flexibility /R. M. W. J. Beetsma, X. Debrun. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/6 : Stock market liquidity and the macroeconomy: evidence from Japan//W. G. Choi, D. Cook. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/60 : The impact of terrorism on financial markets /R. B. Johnston, O. M. Nedelescu. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/61 : A framework for the surveillance of derivatives activities /E. Gutierrez. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/62 : Are laws needed for public management reforms? An international comparison /I. Lienert. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/63 : The real effect of banking crises /G. Dell"Ariccia a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/64 : Alternative models of wage dispersion /D. Gaumont a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/65 : Maintaining competitiveness under equilibrium real appreciation: the case of Slovakia /N. Oomes. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/66 : How do Canadian budget forecasts compare with those of other industrial countries? /M. Muhleisen a.o.. – 2005
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
05/67 : Financial integration, growth, and volatility /A. Epaulard, A. Pommeret. – 2005
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