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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.

IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/224 : Macroeconomic implications of natural disasters in the Caribbean /T. N. Rasmussen. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/225 : Trade finance and trade flows: panel data evidence from 10 crises /M. Ronci. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/226 : Central bank governance: a survey of boards and management /T. Lybek, J. Morris. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/227 : COMESA and SADC; prospects and challenges for regional trade integration /P. Khandelwal. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/228 : A common currency for Belarus and Russia? /A.-M. Gulde a.o.. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/229 : Exchange rate, money, and wages: What is driving prices in Armenia? /D. Grigorian a.o.. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/230 : Can the private annuity market provide secure retirement income? /G. A. Mackenzie, A. Schrager. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/231 : Institutional quality and international trade /A. A. Levchenko. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/232 : Macroeconomic implications of the transition to inflation targeting and capital account liberalization in Romania /P. Berkmen, N. Gueorguiev. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/233 : The relationship between macroeconomic statistics guidelines and accounting standards /L. Laliberte. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/234 : Technology shocks and aggregate fluctuations: how well does the real business cycle model fit postwar U.S. data? /J. Gali, P. Rabanal. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/235 : Managing confidence in emerging market bank runs /S.-J. Kim, A. Mody. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/236 : Institutions and the external capital structure of countries /A. Faria, P. Mauro. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/237 : Integrating a unified revenue administration for tax and social contribution collections: experiences of Central and Eastern European countries /P. Barrand a.o.. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/238 : Local financial development and the aid-growth relationship /M. Nkusu, S. Sayek. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
04/36 : China: international trade and WTO accession /T.Rumbaugh, N.Blancher. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/37 : Competitiveness in Bulgaria: an assessment of the real effective exchange rate /D.Chobanov, P.Sorsa. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/38 : The politiical economy of conditional and unconditional foreign assistance: grants versus loan rollovers /A.Mourmoras, W.Mayer. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/39 : Autocorrelation-corrected standard errors in panel probits: an application to currency crisis prediction /A.Berg, R.N.Coke. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/40 : And schumpeter said, "This is how thou shalt grow": the further quest for economic growth in poor countries /P.Beaugrand. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
04/41 : Forecasting commodity prices: futures versus judgment /C.Bowman, A.M. Husain. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/42 : Public expenditure management in francophone Africa: a cross-country analysis /Y.Moussa. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/43 : India in the 1980s and 1990s: a triumph of reforms /A.Panagariya. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/44 : Debt crises and the development of international capital markets /A.Pescatori, A.N.R.Sy. – 2004
IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund
04/45 : A multivariate filter for measuring potential output and the NAIRU: application to Czech Republic /J.Benes, P.N"Diaye. – 2004
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