| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/199 : Managerial incentives and financial contagion /S. Chakravorti, S. Lall. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/200 : Why is productivity growth in the Euro area so sluggish? /M. M. Estevao. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/201 : Financial sector development in the Middle East and North Africa /S. Greane a.o.. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/202 : The cyclical and long-term behavior of government expenditures in developing countries /B. Akitoby a.o.. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/203 : Can the IMF`s medium-term growth projections be improved? /C. Batista, J. Zalduendo. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/204 : Does compliance with basel core principles bring any measurable benefits? /R. Podpiera. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/205 : Wage compression, employment restrictions, and unemployment: the case of Mauritius /N.Porter. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/206 : Foreign direct investment and regional trade agreements: the market size effect revisited /F. Jaumotte. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/207 : Evolution of the relative price of goods and services in a neoclassical model of capital accumulation /V. Klyuev. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/208 : Measuring disinflation credibility in emerging markets: a bayesian approach with an application to Turkey /M. Rossi, A. Rebucci. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/209 : In the pipeline: Georgia"s oil and gas transit revenues /A. Billmeier a.o.. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/210 : Exchange rate policy and sovereign bond spreads in developing countries /S. Jahjah, V. Z. Yue. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/211 : Interest rate pass-through in Romania and other Central European economies /A. Tieman. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/212 : Are there negative returns to aid? A comment /M. Nkusu. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/213 : The Greenbook and U.S. monetary policy /R. Tchaidze. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/214 : The distributional bias of public education: causes and consequences /E. Dabla-Norris, M. Gradstein. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/215 : What determines long-run macroeconomic stability? Democratic institutions /S. Satyanath, A. Subramanian. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/216 : Exchange rate policy and the management of official and private capital flows in Africa /E. Buffie a.o.. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/217 : Social spending, human capital, and growth in developing countries; implications for achieving the MDGs /E. Baldacci a.o.. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/218 : Capital inflows, sterilization, and commercial bank speculation: the case of the Czech republic in Mid-1990s /J. Christensen. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/219 : A model of the IMF as a coinsurance arrangement /R. Chami a.o.. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/220 : On the design and effectiveness of targeted expenditure programs /E. Ahmad, L. Martinez. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/221 : Sovereign borrowing by developing countries: what determines market access? /R. G. Gelos a.o.. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/222 : Currency bloc formation as a dynamic process based on trade network externalities /E. B. Yehoue. – 2004 | | | |
| IMF working paper. – Washington : International monetary fund |
04/223 : Inflation and monetary pass-through in Guinea /R. Blavy. – 2004 | | | |