| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/120 : Philippines: selected issues. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/121 : Mali: poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/122 : Mali: joint staff advisory note of the poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/123 : Mongolia: report on the observance of standards and codes.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/124 : Benin: poverty reduction strategy paper - 2005 progress report. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/125 : Benin: poverty reduction strategy paper - growth strategy for poverty reduction. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/126 : St. Kitts and Nevis: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/127 : St. Kitts and Nevis: statistical appendix. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/128 : Albania: fourtu review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/129 : Pakistan: report on observance of standards and codes - fiscal transparancy module - an update. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/130 : Republic of Poland: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/131 : Republic of Poland: selected issues. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/132 : Republic of Moldova: statistical appendix. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/134 : Republic of Moldova: selected issues. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/135 : Kingdom of Lesotho: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/136 : Kingdom of Lesotho: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/137 : Republic of Lithuania: financial system stability assessment - update. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/138 : Bangladesh: use of fund resources - recuest for emergency assistance - staff report.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/139 : Republic of Moldova: 2007 article 4 consultation and third review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/140 : Republic of Lithuania: selected issues. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/141 : Republic of Lithuania: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/142 : Cote d"Ivoire: request for emergency post-conflict assistance - staff report.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
08/143 : Republic of Moldova: poverty reduction strategy paper.... – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/144 : Togo: interim poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2008 | | | |
| IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund |
08/145 : France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain - competitiveness in the Southern Euro Area. – 2008 | | | |