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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/96 : Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2006 regional discussions - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/97 : Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/98 : Tunisia: financial sector assessment program update - detailed assessment of compliance of the Basel core principles for effective banking supervision. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/99 : Peru: first review under the stand-by arrangement and requests for modification of performance criterion and waiver for nonobservance of performance criterion.... – 2007
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/1 : Cameroon: poverty reduction strategy paper - progress report. – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/10 : United Republic of Tanzania: poverty reduction strategy paper - annual implementation report - joint staff advisory note. – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/100 : Singapore: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/101 : El Salvador: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
08/102 : Algeria: statistical appendix. – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/103 : Algeria: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
08/104 : Algeria: selected issues. – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/105 : Bermuda: detailed assessment report on anti-money laudering.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/106 : Liberia: enhanced initiative for heavity indebted poor countries.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/107 : Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: third review under the stand-by arrangement and request for rephasing of assess - staff report.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/108 : Liberia: fourth review of performance under the staff-monitored program and request for three-year arrangement.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/109 : The Gambia: enhanced heavity indebted poor countries initiative.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
08/110 : The Gambia: addendum to the joint staff advisory note on the second poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/111 : Belgium: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/112 : Haiti: financial system stability assessment.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/113 : Mali: sixth review under the three-year arrangement.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/114 : Haiti: joint staff advisory note of the poverty reduction strategy paper.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
08/116 : Belgium^ report on observanse of standards and codes - fiscal transparency module. – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/117 : Haiti: second review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/118 : Dominica: use of fund resouces - request for emergency assistance.... – 2008
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
08/119 : Philippines: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2008
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