| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/80 : Italy: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of observance of the LMF code of good practices on transparency in monetary and financial policies - securities regulation. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/81 : Italy: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of the observance of Monte Titoli of the CPSS/IOSCO recommendations for securities settlement systems. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
06/82 : Italy: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of observance of the insurance core principles. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/83 : Italy: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of implementation of the IOSCO objectives and principles of securities regulation. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/84 : Italy: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment report on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/85 : Italy: fourth post-program monitoring discussions - staff report; staff statement..... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/86 : United Kingdom: 2005 article 4 consultation - staff report; public information notice on the executive board discussion.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
06/87 : United Kingdom: selected issues. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
06/88 : Mali: selected issues. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
06/89 : Mali: statistical appendix. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
06/9 : Guatemala: report on observance of standards and codes - fiscal transparency module. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
06/90 : Mali: poverty reduction strategy paper - implementation report for 2003 and 2004 - joint staff advisory note. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/91 : Kingdom of Bahrain: financial system stability assessment, including reports on the observance of standards and codes on the following topics.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/92 : Philippines: 2005 article 4 consultation and post-program monitoring discussions staff report.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/93 : Algeria: 2005 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff statement; public information notice on the executive board discussion.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/94 : Malawi: first review under the three-year arrangement under poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/95 : Republic of the Marshall Islands: 2005 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/96 : Serbia and Montenegro: Serbia - financial system stability assessment, including reports on the observance of standards and codes on the following topics.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund |
06/97 : Republic of the Marshall Islands: Selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/98 : Ecuador: 2005 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
06/99 : Papua New Guinea: 2005 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2006 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
07/1 : Dominica: seventh review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility and financing assurances review.... – 2007 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
07/10 : Trinidad and Tobago: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
07/100 : Islamic Republic of Iran: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007 | | | |
| IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund |
07/101 : Islamic Republic of Iran: statistical appendix. – 2007 | | | |