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Наукова бібліотека ім. М. Максимовича UNDP in Ukraine
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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

Документи знаходяться у відкритому доступі за адресою:
пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.

IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/125 : Denmark: financial sector assessment program - technical note - stress testing. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/126 : The Gambia: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/127 : Bulgaria: fourth review under the stand-by arrangement and request for waiver of nonobservance of performance criteria - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/128 : Jordan: 2006 article 4 consultation and fourth post-program monitoring discussions - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/129 : Cameroon: second review of the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/13 : Niger: 2006 article 4 consultation and third review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility and request for waiver and modifications.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/130 : Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: first review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/131 : Philippines: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/132 : The Kingdom of Swaziland: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/133 : Republic of Uzbekistan: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/134 : Kingdom of Bahrain: detailed assessment on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/135 : Kyrgyz Republic: 2006 article 4 consultation, third review under poverty reduction and growth facility.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/136 : Republic of Lithuania: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/137 : Republic of Lithuania: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/138 : United Republic of Tanzania: sixth review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/139 : Botswana: report on the observance of standards and codes - data module.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/14 : Niger: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/140 : Guinea: poverty reduction strategy paper - third annual progress report. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/141 : St. Kitts and Nevis: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/142 : St. Kitts and Nevis: statistical appendix. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/143 : Austria: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/144 : Republic of Tajikistan: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/145 : Austria: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/146 : Uruguay: fifth and sixth reviews under the stand-by arrangement.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/147 : Malawi: 2006 article 4 consultation and third review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility.... – 2007
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