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за пїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅпїЅ місяць 2010 року.

Увага! Документи відсортовано за НАЗВОЮ.
An introduction to scientology [Електронний ресурс] : a filmed interview with Hubbard L. Ron. – Los Angeles : L. Ron Hubbard Library, 2006. – 1 CD + 1 бр. ( 40 с. ). – The lable from the disc
Это единственное снятое на пленку интервью с Л. Роном Хаббардом, которое он дал, чтобы объяснить, как он пришел к своим открытиям в сфере разума, духа и жизни. Здесь он отвечает на вопросы, задаваемые чаще всего: "Что такое саентология? Почему она является религией? И какую пользу она приносит людям?"
Jaderstrom Business English at work [Електронний ресурс] : practice applications / Jaderstrom, Miller ; The McGraw-Hill companies ; part of ISBN 0-07-830558-6 P/N G05586.46. – 2nd ed. – Woodland Hills : Glencoe ; McGraw-Hill, 2003. – 1 CD + буклет ( 12 с. ). – Системн. требования : PC with Pentium CPU (or higher ), Windows 95, 98, NT4,0 ( or higher ), HDD 10 Мб, RAM 16 Мб, CD-ROM drive, color monitor w/256 colors or higher.- Загол. з етикетки диска. – ISBN 0-07-830558-6
Features of the Program :
- Offers automatic Learning Hints and examples
- Provides immediate feedback on answers
- Prints your responses and identifies incorrect answers
Bodily S. Enron 1986-2001 [Електронний ресурс] : student version : 3.0 / Samuel Bodily, Robert Bruner ; University of Virginia ; WILEY. – Virginia : Darden School, 2002. – 5 CD. – PC system requirements : processor Intel Pentium II class processor with 266 MHz or faster RAM 32 Mb or greater ( Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Millenium, NT4 ) 64 Mb or greater ( Microsoft Windows 2000 professional and XP... .-Заголовок з етикетки диску. – ISBN 0-471-27142-X
"ENRON, 1986 -2001" exploresthe rise and fall of the Enron Corporation. The case examines the fundamental issues of strategy, innovation, and corporate transformation, and reflects upon questions of corporate values, vision, and leadership raised by Enron"s downfall.
The best american short stories [Електронний ресурс] : selected stories / R. Carver, K. Davenport, T. Gautreaux, A. Gurganus, J. Lahiri, ZZ Packer, , W. Mosley, A. Proulx; aut. and read. Raymond Carver, Peter Covner, Kiana Davenport, Tim Gautreaux, Allan Gurganas, Allan Epstein, ZZ Packer, Walter Mosley, Charles Parnell, Annie Peroulx, Elizabeth Bulkley; ed. E.L. Doctorow ; Houghton Mifflin company. – Boston : Carver : Dead Line. – (The best american series). – ISBN 0-618-09321-4
Disc 1 : introduction by E.L. Doctorow ; Call if you need me by Raymond Carver, read by Peter Kovner ; Bones of the inner ear by Kiana Davenport, read by the autor
Disc 2 : Good for the soul by Tim Gautreaux, read by the autor ; He"s at the office by Allan Gurganus, read by the autor ( cont. on disc 3 )
Disc 3 : He"s at the office by Allan Gurganus, read by the autor ( cont. from disc 2 ) ; The third and final continent by Jhumpa Lahiri, rea by Alvin Epstein
Disc 4 : brownies by ZZ Packer, read by the autor
Disc 5 : Pet fly by Walter Mosley, read by Charles Parnell ; People in hell just want a drink of water by Annie Proulx, read by Elizabeth Bulkley
The Best American Short Stories [Електронний ресурс] / M. Chabon, J. Fox, Ed. Danticat, Marson Lee, R. Ford, M. Hardy, McNeal, A. Munro, S. Miller, A. Sharma; aut. and read. : Michael Chabon, Joe Fox, Edwidge Danticat, Stephanie Marson Lee, Richard Ford, Melissa hardy, Tom McNeal, Alice Munro, Sue Miller, Akhil Sharma ; prod. and ed. Susan Boer ; Houghton Mifflin company. – Boston : Miller ; Ford ; Collins. – (The Best American Series ; First, Best, and Best-Selling). – ISBN 0-618-25816-7
Introduct. by Sue Miller
Disc 1 : Along the frontage road by Michael Chabon ; read by Joe Fox
The Sugar Tit by Carolyn Cooke ; read by the author
Disc 2 : Seven by Edwidge Danticat, read by Stephanie Marson Lee
Puppy by Richard Ford ; read by the author ( contin. on disc 3 )
Disc 3 : Puppy by Richard Ford ; read by the author ( contin. from disc 2 )
The Heifer by Melissa Hardy ; read by the author ( contin. on disc 3 )
Disc 4 : Watermelon Days by Tom McNeal, read by the author
Family furnishings by Alice Munro, read by Sue Miller ( contin. on disc 5 )
Disc 5 : Family furnishings by Alice Munro, read by Sue Miller ( contin. from disc 4 )
Surrounded by Sleep by Akhil Sharma ; read by the author
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