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IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/89 : Global imbalances and petrodollars / Raban Arezki, Fuad Hasanov. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/90 : Inflation hedging for long-term investors / Alexander P. Attie, Shaun K. Roache. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/91 : Remittances: an automatic output stabilizer? / Ralph Chami, Dalia Hakura, Peter Montiel. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/92 : The size of government and U. S. - European differences in economic performance / Gerwin Bell, Norikazu Tawara. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/93 : Global relative poverty / Lynge Nielsen. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/94 : Inflation targeting under imperfect policy credibility / Ali Alichi [ et al. ]. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/95 : Ponzi schemes in the Caribbean / Ana Carvajal [ et al. ]. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/96 : The challenge of reforming budgetary institutions in developing countries / Richard Allen. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/97 : Why are japanese wages so sluggish? / Martin Sommer. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/98 : Understanding inflation inertia in Angola / Nir Klein, Alexander Kyei. – 2009
IMF working paper / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/99 : The impact of the regional cross-listing of stocks on firm value in Sub-Saharan Africa / Olatundun Janet Adelegan. – 2009
Improving tax administration in developing countries. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1992. – XII,403p. – ISBN 1-55775-317-2
Annual report 2003 / Independent evaluation office; International Monetary Fund, Independent evaluation office. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2003. – 7,43p. – ISBN 1-58906-319-8
Annual report 2004 / Independent evaluation office; International Monetary Fund, Independent evaluation office. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2004. – 7,44p. – ISBN 1-58906-436-4
Annual report 2005/2006 / Independent evaluation office; International Monetary Fund, Independent evaluation office. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2006. – 7,59p. – ISBN 1-58906-608-1
Annual report 2007 / Independent evaluation office; International Monetary Fund, Independent evaluation office (IEO). – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2007. – 7,43 p. – ISBN 1-58906-692-2
Annual report 2010 / International Monetary Fund, Independent Evaluation Office (IEO). – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2010. – 16 p. – ISBN 978-1-58906-999-2
Annual report 2012 / Intern. Monetary Fund, Independent Evaluation Office (IEO). – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2012. – 18 p. – ISBN 978-1-61635-411-4
India at the crossroads : Sustaining growth and reducing poverty. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2001. – IX,192p. : ill. – ISBN 1-55775-992-8
Inflation targeting in practice : Strategic and operational issues and application to emerging market economies. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2000. – V,94p. – ISBN 1-55775-889-1
Instruments of monetary management : Issues and country experiences. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1997. – X,296p. – ISBN 1-55775-598-1
Integrating Europe"s financial markets. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2007. – 18,261 p. – ISBN 978-1-58906-623-6
Annual report 2010 : supporting a balanced global recovery / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2010. – 80 p. : Ill., tab.
Annual report 2011 : pursuing equitable and balanced growth / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2011. – 68 p. : ill., tab.
Annual report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions / International monetary fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund. – ISSN 0250-7366
2004. – 2004
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