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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/6 : Mexico: report on the observance of standards and codes.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/60 : Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/62 : Philippines: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/63 : Philippines: selected issues. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/64 : Barbados: financial system stability assessment - update.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/65 : Cameroon: sixth review under the three-year arrangement.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/66 : Singapore; report on the observance of standards and codes.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/67 : Chad: selected issues. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/68 : Chad: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/69 : Belize: use of fund resources - request for emergency assistance - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/7 : Mexico: detailed assessment report on anti-money laundering.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/70 : Niger: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/71 : El Sallvador: request for stand-by arrangement - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/73 : Albania: sixth review under the three-year arrangement.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/74 : Republic of Congo: 2008 article 4 consultation, requests for a three-year arrangement.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/75 : The Gambia: poverty reduction strategy paper - annual progress report. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/77 : Haiti: fourth review under the three-year arrangement.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/78 : Trinidad and Tobago: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/79 : Uganda: 2008 article 4 consultation anf fourth review under the policy support.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/8 : Palau: report on the observance of standards and codes.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/80 : Federated States of Micronesia:statistical appendix. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/81 : Federated States of Micronesia: 2008 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/82 : Republic of Tajikistan: poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
09/84 : Burundi - enhanced heavily indebted poor countries initiative.... – 2009
IMF country report / International Monetary Fund. – Washington : International monetary fund
09/85 : Republic of Estonia: selected issues. – 2009
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