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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/241 : Peru: first review under the stand-by arrangement - staff report; staff statement press release on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Peru. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/242 : Republic of Congo: staff-monitored program. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/243 : Slovak Republic: financial system stability assessment update, including report on the observance.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/244 : Albania: third review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/245 : The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: statistical appendix. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/246 : United Republic of Tanzania: 2007 article 4 consultation and first review under the policy support instrument - staff report; staff supplement; public information notice.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/247 : The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; public information notice on the executive board discussion.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/248 : Bolivia: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; public information notice on the executive board discussinon; and statement by the executive director for Bolivia. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/249 : Bolivia: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/25 : Israel: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/250 : Hungary: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; and public information notice on the executive board discussion. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/251 : Hungary: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/252 : Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: second review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/253 : Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: enhanced heavily indebted poor countries iniciative - decision point document and debt sustainability analysis. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/254 : Iceland: report on the observance of standards and codes - FATF recommendations for anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/255 : Republic of Estonia: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; public information notice on the executive board discussion.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/256 : Republic of Estonia: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/257 : Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: second review under the stand-by arrangement and request.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/258 : Republic of Mozambique: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/259 : Euro area policies: selected issues. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/26 : Greece: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report; public information notice on the executive board discussion and statement by the executive director for Greece. – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/260 : Euro area policies: 2007 article 4 consultation - staff report; staff supplement; public information notice on the executive board discussion.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/261 : Niger: fourth review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/262 : Republic of Mozambique: 2007 article 4 consultation; sixth review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction.... – 2007
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
07/263 : Nigeria: third review under the policy support instrument - staff report; staff statement; press release on the executive board discussion; and statement by the executive director for Nigeria. – 2007
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