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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

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IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/215 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - technical note - regulation, supervision, and governance of the Spanish Cajas. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/216 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - technical note - stress testing methodology and results. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/217 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - technical note - supervision of insurance: alternative models for an independent agency. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/218 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of compliance with the Basel Core principles for effective banking supervision. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/219 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of observance of the IAIS insurance Core principles. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/22 : Vietnam: 2005 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/220 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of implementation of the IOSCO objectives and principles of securities regulation. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/221 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of the CPSS Core principles for systemically important payment systems. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/222 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of the CPSS-IOSCO recommendations for the securities settlement systems. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/223 : Spain: financial sector assessment program - detailed assessment of the IMF code of good practices on transparency.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/224 : Mauritius: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/225 : Ghana: poverty reduction strategy paper. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/226 : Ghana: poverty reduction strategy paper annual progress report. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/227 : Ghana: joint staff advisory note of the poverty reduction strategy paper and annual progress report.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/228 : Ghana: fourth and fifth reviews under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/229 : Canada: selected issues. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/23 : Albania : poverty reduction strategy paper - annual progress report. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/230 : Canada: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/231 : Cameroon: first review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report; press release on the executive board discussion.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/232 : Gabon: selected issues. – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/233 : Republic of Equatorial Guinea: 2006 article 4 consultation - staff report; public information notice.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/234 : Colombia: second review under the stand-by arrangement and request for rephasing of purchases - staff report; staff supplement.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/235 : Kyrgyz Republic: second review under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility - staff report.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International Monetary Fund
06/236 : Niger: report on the observance of standards and codes - data module.... – 2006
IMF country report. – Washington : International monetary fund
06/237 : Republic of Equatorial Guinea: selected issues and statistical appendix. – 2006
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