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Документи, отримані в дарунок від Міжнародного валютного фонду.

Документи знаходяться у відкритому доступі за адресою:
пр. академіка Глушкова 2, географічний факультет, 2-й поверх, читальна зала.

The monetary approach to the balance of payments : A collection of research papers by members of the staff of the International monetary fund. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1992. – X,290p. – ISBN 1-55775-277-X
The payment system : Design, management, and supervision. – Washington : International monetary fund, 1998. – XI,214p. – ISBN 1-55775-386-5
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – s.l. : Bank for international settlements; Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
June 25 : Competition policy and monetary policy: a comparative perspective/M. Monti. – 2006
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – s.l. : Bank for international settlements; Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
Sept. 17 : Asian monetary integration: will it ever happen?/Tharman Shanmugaratnam. – 2006
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
Oct. 12 : The role and governance of the IMF: further reflections on reform / S. Fischer, T. Manuel, J. Pisani-Ferry, R. Rajan. – 2008
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Istanbul : Bank Association of Turkey ; Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
Oct. 4 : Growth after the storm: a longer-run perspective / K. Dervis. – 2009
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Bank for international settlements ; Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
June 27 : Markets and government before, during, and after the 2007-20XX crisis / T. Padoa-Schioppa. – 2010
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
Oct. 10 : Navigating the new normal in industrial countries / Mohamed A. El-Erian. – 2010
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
June 26 : What financial system for the twenty-first century? / A. Crockett. – 2011
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
Sept. 25 : The IMF and the international monetary system: lessons from the crisis / Axel A. Weber. – 2011
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
June 29 : Managing financial crisis in an interconnected word: anticipating the mega-tidal waves / Zeti Akhtar Aziz. – 2014
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
Oct. 11 : Latin America: Outlook and Challenges Ahead / Carmen M. Reinhart, Rodrigo Valdes, Julio Velarde. – 2015
The Per Jacobsson lecture. – Washington : Per Jacobsson foundation. – ISSN 0252-3108
Oct. 8 : Are We Safer? The Case for Strengthening the Bagehot Arsenal / Timothy F. Geithner. – 2016
Thinking globally: effective lessons for teaching about the interdependent world economy [Електронний ресурс] : International version 2.0: lesson plans in Arabic, English, French, Russian and Spanish. – Washington : IMF center, 2006. – 1CD + Lesson descriptions. – System requirements: Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP, Mac OS 9.0 or later/Mac OS X. - The title is taked from the label. – ISBN 1-56183-6494
The 8 lessons on international economics: include lesson plans, activities and visuals; are classroom tested by teachers; are aligned to the Voluntary national content standarts in economics; are in PDF format and can be printed for classroom use; are presented in English, Arabic, French, Russian, and Spanish
Toward a framework for financial stability : Prepared by a Staff Team led by D. Folkerts-Landau and C.-J. Lindgren. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1998. – (World economic and financial surveys). – ISBN 1-55775-706-2
Toward new horizons : Arab economic transformation amid political transitions / prepared by a staff team led by Harald Finger and Daniela Gressani, comprising Khaled Abdelkader [et. al.] ; Middle East and Central Asia department. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2014. – IX, 103 p. : tab. – Bibliogr.: p. 97-103. – ISBN 978-1-48431-146-2
Trade policy issues : Papers presented at the seminar on trade policy issues, March 6-10, 1995. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1997. – X,197p. – ISBN 1-55775-621-X
Transforming financial systems in the Baltics, Russia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union : Ed. M. Knight, A. B. Petersen, R. T. Price. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1999. – XI,157p. – ISBN 1-55775-7998-4
Transition to market : Studies in fiscal reform. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 1993. – IX,387p. – ISBN 1-55775-275-3
Unwinding financial sector interventions : preconditions and practical considerations : proceedings of High-Level IMF conference, December 2009 / International Monetary Fund ; ed.: Udaibir S. Das, Michael G. Papaioannou. – Washington : IMF, 2010. – VII, 84 p. – ISBN 978-1-58906-989-3
West bank and Gaza : Economic performance, prospects, and policies: achieving prosperity and confronting demographic challenges. – Washington : International monetary fund, 2001. – X,134p. – ISBN 1-58906-035-0
What is the International Monetary Fund? : [A guide to the IMF]. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2001. – 4,52p. : ill. – ISBN 1-55775-920-0
What is the International Monetary Fund? : [A guide to the IMF]. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2004. – 4,52p. : ill. – ISBN 1-55775-920-0
Who"s driving whom? : analyzing external and intra-regional linkages in the Americas / ed. Martin Muhleisen, Shaun K.Roache, Jeromin Zettelmeyer. – Washington : International Monetary Fund, 2008. – 5, 171 p. : ill. – На обкл.: Western hemisphere department. – ISBN 978-1-58906-788-2
World economic outlook. – Washington : International Monetary Fund. – ISBN 1-58906-212-4. – ISSN 0251-6877
April : Growth and institutions. – 2003. – (World economic and financial surveys)
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