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Опис документа:

Автор: Oltarzhevskyi D., Oltarzhevska O.
Назва: VR, NFT, Metaverse... How Digital Innovations Affect the Development of Marketing and PR Communications
Сторінок: С. 26-33
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Актуальні питання масової комунікації
Анотація:   This study aims to determine innovative global trends in communications and their impact on the development of the marketing and PR industry. For this, we applied trend analysis, one of the modern forecasting methods, which is based on the examination of secondary sources and news publications and allows the identification of weak information signals from various markets based on the mention of digital innovations. Innovative tools guide companies to construct a new reality for stakeholders, improve interaction methods with stakeholders, and form their favorable corporate image and brand positioning. We identified six trends that will impact the development of communications in the coming decades: machine learning; big data; virtual reality technologies; digital gamification; blockchain and NFT; migration to the metaverse. We concluded that these digital innovations would enrich the promotion toolkit, form a new socio-communication di-mension, and produce a creative and meaningful context. In particular, we conclude that VR technologies will encourage further penetration of adver-tising and PR into the field of integrated virtual communications. Gamification will become more and more deeply rooted in all areas of marketing and PR activities, dive&rsify interaction with stakeholders, and increase its effec-tiveness thanks to novelty, emotionality, and user involvement. Finally, NFT will become a symbol of innovation from the image perspective and a thematic platform for stakeholder communicati&ons. The article also outlines the features of marketing and PR in the metaverse.

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