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Опис документа:

Автор: Дарчук Н.
Назва: Кореферентність у поетичних творах Лесі Українки
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 92-115
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Українське мовознавство
Анотація:   Метою цієї статті є дослідження категорії кореферентності в поетичному мовленні Лесі Українки на основі корпусу текстів української мови, розміщеного на порталі mova.info. Матеріалом слугували прижиттєві видання Лесі Українки. Схарактеризовано категорійну сутність кореферентності, визначено види репрезентантів об"єктів дійсності, їхні функційно-стилістичні різновиди і типові об"єкти репрезентації в поетичному тексті, розглянуто найчастотніші моделі
   їх представлень.
   The category of coreference plays an important role in the creation of texts, as it is based on fundamental principles of text organization. The linearity of a text and the non-linearity of a situation described in the text are closely related to the mention of elements of a situation with another nomination of this object. Therefore, chains of coreferential names appear in the text and, having a binary relation, partly cause the emergence of a secondary nomination, which is an anaphoric relation with the primary nomination. The purposeof this article is to study the category of coreference in the poetic speech of Lesia Ukrainka based on the corpus of the Ukrainian language represented on mova.info. The object of the research is the idiostyle of Lesia Ukrainka"s poetry, and the sub&ject is the functioning of the category of coreference. The categorical essence of coreference is characterized, the types of representatives of real objects, their functional and stylistic varieties and typical objects of representation in a poetic &text are determined, and the most frequent structures are considered. Software for working with coreference has been developed and implemented. It has a user-friendly interface, which allows searching, sort, and doing the quantitative processing of t&he collected information according to the needs of researchers. On the material of 153 texts, 1520 referentially identical pairs are established. The coreferentiality index and the index of coreference coverage of the text proposed in this article he&lped to quantitatively assess the saturation of the text with the category of coreference. In addition, the classification of coreferential relations is composed: 1) identity; 2) collection gap; 3) part-whole; 4) predicative identity; 5) metonymy; 6)& association. A dependency tree of a sentence made it possible to determine the location of coreferential pairs in the sentence, the position relative to each other, the belonging of the segment with the coreferent or the referent to the complicators& of the sentence, i.e., a subordinate clause or phrases. This representation also helped to establish the type of syntactic relationship between the coreferent and the referent, the type of syntactic--semantic relationship between them, the presence &of referent-dependent words, the intersection of the coreferent and the referent in gender and number. Automatic extraction of coreferential pairs from dependency trees allowed
   building intersentential coreference.

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