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Опис документа:

Автор: Шовковий В.М.
Назва: Формування у майбутніх учителів української літератури старшої школи методичної компетентності методом проектів
Видавництво: Лів-принт
Сторінок: С. 4-13
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Ars Linguodidacticae
Анотація:   У статті окреслено поняття методичної компетентності вчителя української літератури старшої школи, описані завдання навчальної дисципліни "методика навчання української літератури в старшій школі", у межах якої відбувається формування окресленої компетентності, конкретизовано знання, уміння, здатність та готовність майбутніх учителів до планування, організації та контролювання процесу навчання української літератури в старшій школі. Розроблено сім навчальних проектів, які покликані сформувати основні складові методичної компетентності вчителя української літератури. The professional activity of a high school teacher of Ukrainian Literature requires a wide range of knowledge, skills and personal qualities including flexibility, creativity, getting adjusted to learning conditions, the ability to select an appropriate teaching methodology or assessment technique as well as the skills of compiling syllabi, educational materials, textbooks, etc. All these skills and qualities are components of pedagogical competence which is the key to professional training of prospective teachers of Ukrainian Literature. Developing the above-mentioned competence requires specific training so that it fully reflects real conditions of teaching activity. Therefore, to &develop pedagogical competence, the author suggests making use of project methodology with the focus on simulating real professional activities of a teacher.
   The purpose of the article is to define the concept of pedagogical competence of a prospect&ive teacher of Ukrainian Literature, substantiate its building through project methodology as well as to develop criteria to assess the acquisition level of the competence under discussion.
   Competence approach is a key strategy to training prospecti&ve high school teachers of Ukrainian literature. In the framework of this approach the pedagogical competence is viewed as a system of knowledge and skills, abilities and readiness of a prospective teacher to design and organize the process of teachi&ng Ukrainian Literature in high school, develop necessary materials and motivate students to read and analyse Ukrainian fiction, be flexible and creative when addressing a variety of professional challenges related to teaching Ukrainian literature to& high school students. Given the content of this competence, the author insists on project methodology underlying the process of building pedagogical competence. Consequently, 7 shortterm creative projects were developed to be carried out in pairs or& groups. They simulate typical professional situations faced by a teacher of Ukrainian Literature in the classroom: Designing a syllabus for the course, lesson planning, enhancing motivation for learning in high school students, designing tasks to ar&ouse interest of students in the personality and literary works of writers; analysing textbooks and teaching materials; developing tasks aimed at teaching essay-writing. Discussion. In further research, we think it necessary to experimentally verify &the effectiveness of the developed projects for building pedagogical competence of prospective teachers of Ukrainian Literature as well as to model the teaching process based on experimental data.

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