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Автор: Руднічук А.
Назва: Між королем і містом: єврейська громада Аугсбурга і влада у XIV-XV століттях
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 68-73
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   У XIV-XV ст. основна взаємодія щодо врегулювання життя єврейської общини м. Аугсбург відбувалася між королем і містом. Єврейська громада перебувала під юрисдикцією короля і, в обмін на гарантії безпеки, сплачувала податки до державної скарбниці. Водночас сформувалися основні нормативно-правові акти, які врегульовували стосунки між місцевим населенням і єврейською громадою, її соціальний статус. Правове регламентування життя єврейського населення м. Аугсбург, розв"язання суперечностей між християнами таіудеями здійснювалося за участю міста або призначеної королем особи.
   In the late Middle Ages on the territory of the cathedral city of Augsburg were two Jewish settlements, which were formed in the XII-XIII cent. In High Middle Ages, the administrationof the Jewish community was made through the mediation of city, bishop and king. However, in the XIV-XV cent. the main interaction regarding the settlement of the life of the Jewish community took place between the king and the city. At the same time, were formed the main legal acts, which regulated the relations between the local population and the Jewish community, its social status. Augsburg Jews were under the jurisdiction of the king and paid taxes to the state treasury in exchange for security& guarantees. Legal regulation of the Jewish population of Augsburg, the resolution of disputes between Christians and Jews was carried out with the participation of the city or a person appointed by the king. The city council tried to take precedence& in the tax collection procedure, which was perceived by the king as an encroachment on his authority. Such conflicts were resolved by imposing fines on the city or through the courts. In addition, members of the Jewish community were lenders to both& the ruler and the burghers and the city council, which often led to misconduct against Jews by the authorities, including arrests and extortion of debtors, and de facto write-offs of the debts. The change in the Jewish community of Augsburg, as in o&ther German medieval cities, depended on the waves of the plague, which often led to pogroms, organized on baseless accusations of causing the disease, followed by the expulsion of the Jewish population from the city. At the same time, most debtors w&ere given the opportunity not to pay debts to their lenders. Besides, the property of the Jewish community passed into the hands of the emperor and princes. From the XV cent., Augsburg, following the example of other German cities, introduced special& markings for the Jewish population.

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