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Опис документа:

Автор: Орлова Н.І.
Назва: Тарасова оселя на Козиному Болоті: полеміка, факти
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 188-210
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Шевченкознавчі студії
Анотація:   На основі архівних та літературних джерел проаналізовано історію будинку колезького секретаря І. Житницького, який став тимчасовою оселею Т. Шевченка у 1846 р., з часу зведення і до відкриття в ньому музею Шевченка. Будинок був побудований 1835 р. за типовим фасадом № 3 - одного зі стандартів для міських, міщанських дерев"яних будинків. За час його існування власник проводив ремонтні роботи: змінив дах, добудував коридор, кам"яний підвал. Це засвідчується документами, наведеними у науковій розвідці, які підтверджують достовірність будинку І. Житницького.
   From the end of April 1846 the house of the Kiev official I. Zhytnytskyi on Kozyne Bolote street became for one year a temporary residence for T. Shevchenko and his friend (poet O. Afanasiev-Chuzhbinsky and artist M. Sazhin). Polish writer Yu. Belina-Kenjitsky, who was a student of the Imperial University of St. Vladimir, acquaintance of T. Shevchenko, who repeatedly visited him, noted in memoirs that in 1862 visiting Kiev, he saw that the house I. Zhytnytskyi is not preserved. The problem of reliability of the house I. Zhytnytskyi on Kozyne Boloto street, in which November 10, 1928 the House-Museum of T. Shevchenko was opened, was the subject of scientific interest of researchers V. Krychevsky,& V. Shchurat, M. Novitsky M. Gaiduchok, P. Zhura and others. However, reliable information about the appearance of the house, when here we do not have Shevchenko. The author of the article set the task on archival materials to trace the history of th&e house I. Zytnytskyi from the time of its construction and stay here Shevchenko and until the opening of the House-Museum T, G. Shevchenko. The following results are presented in the scientific intelligence. The house was built in 1835. on a typical& facade № 3 - one of the standards for urban, burial wooden houses. During its existence, it has undergone some changes. With the permission of the Kiev Road and Construction Commission, I. Zytnytskyi carried out repairs: changed the roof, completed &an open veranda. During the poet"s stay in it, the idea of the appearance of the house, in addition to the typical project of a wooden house № 3, gives an engraving "View of old Kyiv" (1850-ies) according to a picture of M. Sazhin, a photo of Chugaye&vich in 1860. Confirmation of the reliability of the house I. Zhytnytskyi there are also plans of estates 1852, 1876, lists of owners, documents on payment of taxes. Residential, descriptions of the building during the sale of heritage 1900 and 1906 &engineer of communication routes I. Zhytnytsky - son of I. Residential. All these documents confirm the authenticity of the house I. Zhytnytskyi, where Shevchenko lived in 1846. It was the changes in the reconstruction of the building that caused Yu.& Belina-Kenjitsky did not recognize him in 1862. In 1924-1927 biennium under the leadership of V. Krychevsky was repaired and restored the house.

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