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Опис документа:

Автор: Бронтерюк Б.
Назва: Особливості студентського протесту 1968 року в Бразилії
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 5-9
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Проаналізовано особливості студентського протесту 1968 року в Бразилії в умовах військової диктатури. Основну увагу спрямовано на аналіз конкретних подій, що вплинули на формування студентського руху і визначили характер змін в означений період. Розглянуто конкретні політичні кроки студентів і тогочасного бразильського уряду та кроки в межах університетської автономії, здійснені в контексті боротьби двох абсолютно різних світоглядів молодшого та старшого поколінь. Висвітлено діяльність студентських організацій та їхніх лідерів.
   The article reveals the peculiarities of student protests in 1968 in Brazil, in addition to highlighting the characteristics of specifically Brazilian protests, the author also analyzes and compares them with protests in otherEuropean and American countries: France, USA, Mexico etc. In general, the article examines the main manifestations of the "Cultural Revolution", which is characterized by student protests in all parts of the world. Most of the protests were driven by a desire to change social principles. Students advocated for greater freedoms in education within universities, and for freedoms in the political sense. One of the key political issues represented by protesters was the Vietnam War and the United States" &involvement in. In addition, these protests are characterized by a generational gap between parents and children, who have ceased to understand each other. The article also emphasizes the importance of the preconditions for the protest movement, sinc&e in 1964 a military coup took place in Brazil, which resulted in the arrival of the military. The military was a conservative in politics, so conflict with students who advocated completely opposite values was inevitable. An important role in these &protests was played by technological progress, which allowed people around the world to learn information much faster. Students, looking at the protests in other countries could feel a certain solidarity with their colleagues and understand that in t&heir struggle they are not alone. It was common to borrow same tactics during protests: boycotts, actions against the police, building of the barricades and seizing university buildings. The author concludes that the student protests in Brazil went f&rom a peaceful boycott of the government to clashes with the police, which led to casualties and repressions by the authorities. At the same time, the article emphasizes the confrontation between the baby boomer generation and the older generation, r&epresented by Brazil"s military leaders.

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