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Опис документа:

Автор: Радчук В.
Назва: Уроки й загадки Віктора Коптілова
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 95-97
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Стаття висвітлює теорію і практику майстра перекладу В. Коптілова у їхніх складних стосунках . Ділячись спо - гадами й досвідом , автор робить спробу розібратися у природі мистецтва перекладу і ролі творчого світогляду перекладача . he essay features the theory and practice of the master of translation Viktor Koptil ov in their complicated relationship.
   Shar ing his personal memories and experience along with some factual epistolary eviden ce from his teacher, the author tries to understand the nature of the art of translation and the role of the creative outlook of the transl ator. To do so, the essayist puts the renowned translator and res earcher into the context of names as well as events, seeking to formulat e and solve, at least in part in the fi rst approach, some pu zzles Viktor Koptilo v left behind in his work. Why did the venerable translator switch from translations to imitations in his late years? In other words, why did he mov e to the intermediate genres that have ever developed between the diverging extremes, the creat ion of a unique lite rary original and the exact reprod uction of a source? Why did he, a well-known translatologist, radi cally move away from theorizi ng towards the end of his life? Was he really& disapp ointed in the science of translation? Or was it that he found a better way to communicate his professional credo to artsmen and craftmen in the realm of translation? Why did the successful "Parisian Professor", also being a retired an d hon&oured UNESCO functionary, return to Ukraine to teach trans latology and relat- ed subjects to his native students? How co me translation theories spring up and what are they meant for? As the intellectual he ritage of Professor Koptilov is being re&thought and re-evaluated, promising a still mo re active afterlife, his creative effort, brainwave, extraord inary and outstanding talent pose many other questions before the growing brotherhood of his calling. Keywords: Koptilov, translation, the&ory, experie nce, imitation, school, mastership, heritage.

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