У статті йдеться про необхідність виходу за рамки існуючої дослідницької парадиґми в галузі перекладознавства , яка традиційно представляється у вузькому діапазоні " слово - текст ", з одного боку - в глиб внутрішньої звуко - зорово - кінестетичної образности слова , а з другого - на широкі зовнішні культурологічні обрії джерельної та цільо - вої культури , із залученням до сфери аналізу не тільки інтрамедіальних , а й інтермедіальних пересотворень вихідно - го словесного тексту .
Resented in a narrow range of "word - text", on the one ha nd - into the inner depth of sound-visual-kinesthetic imagery o f the word, and on the other hand - into the wide outer realms of source and target cu ltures, encompassing within the sphere of translation studies th e analysis of not only intramedial but also of intermedial re-creations of the init ial verbal text. The theory of realistic translation which pla yed its crucial role in the history of translation studies similar to the role played by cl assical mechanics in the histor y of physics, needs drastic reboo ting and shifting into a higher gear in the context of modernity a nd post modernity. The buzz-word notions of "domestication" and "foreignization" so mu ch popular these days bot&h in the West and at home in Ukraine do not solve the ma in existing problem of belles-le ttres translation but instead l ead both the theoreti- cians and practitioners astray. No less misleading is a current voguish concept of translator"s "invisibi&lity". The translator needs to be regarded neither as some kind of mythical "shape-changing" Proteus, or as an annoying nuisance (some sort of "defective glass" with bubb les and scrapes on it) but as an absolutely necessary and useful actor of t&he process. The theory of lite rary translation, in its own turn, needs a decisive research para- digm shift so that the source text and the target text might be looked upon not as members of some kind of metaphorical relatio nship but as the meton&ymically linked integral parts of a wider cultural whole existing under the new historical conditions.