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Опис документа:

Автор: Ryzhykov V., Dobryanskyi I., Storublov O.
Назва: The pedagogical system as a structural component of the content of character training of servicemen in the modern context of the development of the armed forces of Ukraine
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 39-42
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   This scientific article presents different components of the theory of training, particularly: its content, principles, methods and the systematic principles of providing patriotic training to future officers w ithin the system of military education of Ukraine in accordance to modern political realities. The special necessary condition of forming a modern serviceman as an individual are the inter related issues of the aim of training characters and the laws of so cial development , since the overall development of the personality of the servicemen is the obvious necessity of the Armed Forces taken into account the challenges of the modern world : the scientific - technical progress and the political reality. The materi al base for the activity of theArmed Forces of Ukraine is to be presented by highly developed, scientifically - technical modern weaponry but in order to organize this type of representation progressive men are needed with a de - blocked technical and innovat ive potential , that eventually will enable them to manage the modern military equipment. The process of training has been researched as a component of the system of professional training of officers under the modern conditions of the Armed Forces of Ukrain e. The theoret&ic scientific analyses of the content, principles and methods of patriotic education of military personel have been conducted. The meaning of patriotism and its impact on the effective professional activity of the officer of the Armed Forces has b&een defined. The methodological basis for the process of patriotic education of officers is the scientific theory of experiencing that predetermines the unity of history and logic within the framework of a pedagogical process, the methodological ana&ly.This scientific article presents different components of the theory of training, particularly: its content, principles, metho ds and the systematic principles of providing patriotic training to future officers w ithin the system of military educa&tion of Ukraine in accordance to modern political realities. The special necessary condition of forming a modern serviceman as an individual are the inter related issues of the aim of training characters and the laws of so cial development , since& the overall development of the personality of the servicemen is the obvious necessity of the Armed Forces taken into account the challenges of the modern world : the scientific - technical progress and the political reality. The materi al base for &the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is to be presented by highly developed, scientifically - technical modern weaponry but in order to organize this type of representation progressive men are needed with a de - blocked technical and innovat& ive potential , that eventually will enable them to manage the modern military equipment. The process of training has been researched as a component of the system of professional training of officers under the modern conditions of the Armed Forces &of Ukrain e. The theoretic scientific analyses of the content, principles and methods of patriotic education of military personel have been conducted. The meaning of patriotism and its impact on the effective professional activity of the officer of& the Armed Forces has been defined. The methodological basis for the process of patriotic education of officers is the scientific theory of experiencing that predetermines the unity of history and logic within the framework of a pedagogical process&, the methodological analy ses of dedictical definitions, facts, events and methodological content on training of officers, the knowledge of theoretic basics o f the normative - educational disciplines, the implementation of the cycle of practical &and tactical training. The modern syst em of education aimed at patriotism among service men is to be governed by the following principles: the civic - oriented nurturing process, a connection between developing a personality and the peculiarities o&

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