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Опис документа:

Автор: Мансуров М.
Назва: Особенности размещения и условия формирования кошкарчайского медно-порфирового месторождения ( Малый Кавказ, Азербайджан )
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 41-52
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   The paper deals with peculiarities of location and evolution features of Koshkarchay copper-porphyritic field of Murovdagh ore province. Major factors of concentration of copper-porphyritic mineralization in rocks of gabbro-diorite-granodio rite formation has been reveal ed. It has been established that the structure of this ore region was formed as a result of successive alteration of some deformation stages ac companied by development of fractures in intrusive massive, by dike intrusions, blocksdisplacements along faults and the fractures composed of various mineral associations. It has been made clear that the copper-porphyritic mineralization is related to the wide halo of hydro-thermal-de formed rocks, frequently observed with clearly outlined ore-metasomati c zones. The general column of metasomatic zonation within the limits of ore regio n and fields are expressed by successive alteration of the following metasomatic zones: quartz ? kalifeldspath ? quartz-sericite ? argillizated ? propylitic. Based on structural-morphological features it can be stated that mi neralization in Koshkarchay field is stockwork-vein deposit of emb edded type in which the impregnations dominate over veins. The major useful componen t is copper. It&s percentage within stockwork body varies within the broad range - from 0.2 to 2.5 %, with average 0.41 %. Among the mineral re sources significantly impacting the importance of the field the m olybdenum and precious metals can be indicated. In som&e intervals the average gold content is 2.0 grams/ton and higher. High silver content w as also identified and its value reaches 30-45 grams/ton and this may positively impact the whole value of the field. Results of factor analysis of we ll data al&lowed identifying geochemical associations for localization of the areas of minera lization at various stages of evolution of porphyritic-epitherm al system. Values of Ф 1 factor correlate with quantity of chalcopy rite, bornite and pyrite and fro&m this it can be inferred the tie of geochemical asso ciation of Cu (Mo, Pb, Sb) to the early chalcopyrite-bornite-pyrite mineralization of porthyric stage of structure evolution. Values of Ф 2 factor referring to the association Mo (Cu, Pb, Co),& statistically are related to the content of chalcopyrite and molybdenite, which are the main mineral paragenesis of copper-molybdene- porphyritic mineralization. Thermal-pressure and chemical methods applied for researches on impregnations of ore o&f pyrite-chal copyrite, galenite- sphalerite-chalcopyrite stages in quartz made it possible to describe the fluid mode of ore formation in this field. Ore-formin g hydrothermal solutions by the data of researches on fluid impregnations were the chlo&ri de-sodium type, salt concentrations varied from 20 to 30 mass % - eqv. NaCl. Ore components were transferring by these solutions in a form of comple x ions containing chlorides of Na and K, rarely sulfates and carbonates. Ore forming process was& going under temperatures of 350-200 0 С . The certain range of physical and chemical parameters and chemical composition of ore forming fluid corresponds to each type of mineralization. The study results enabled us to define temperatures of homogen&iza tion of impregnations and evaluate temperatures of fluids during mineralization at each stage, as well as to define concentrations of major salt comp onents. Complexity of targets evidence high perspectives of copper-porphyritic ar eas and are&as outlined in a range of perspective ore fields.

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