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Опис документа:

Автор: Возна А., Березкіна В., Вашека О.
Назва: Аналіз вегетативного розвитку живців рослин роду sedum l. (crassulaceae) за умов озеленення дахів м. Києва
Видавництво: Київський університет
Сторінок: С. 6-11
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   The traits of vegetative parts (the length of the overground part of the cutting (shoot), the length of the underground part of the cutting (rhizome), the volume of the overground part of the cutting (shoot), the volume of the root system, the weight ofthe cutting (plant), and absolute cover area) for cuttings of five Sedum species (S. ewersii Ledeb., S. spathulifolium Hook. "Cape Blanco", S. kamtschaticum Fisch. "Variegatum", Sedum spurium M. Bieb., S. rupestre L.) were determined. The plants were cultivated for 86 days on a low roof (height = 6 m), in a soil mixture in 7-liter containers with a substrate height of 7 cm. The percentage of rooted cuttings reached 100% for S. ewersii, S. kamtschaticum "Variegatum", S. spurium, S. rupestre and 66 % forS. spathulifolium "Cape Blanco". The highest ability to create absolute substrate cover was noted for species with creeping stems and flattened succulent leaves - S. kamtschaticum "Variegatum" and S. spurium. This index was slightly lower for a species with vertical stems and stiff pointed, succulent leaves (S. rupestre), and plants with decumbent stems, that bear only the terminal rosettes of leaves (S. ewersii). The ability to substrate consolidation was not significantly different for S. ewersii, S&. kamtschaticum "Variegatum", S. spurium. Root development was lower for S. rupestre and very weak for S. spathulifolium "Cape Blanco". The results support planting S. ewersii, S. kamtschaticum "Variegatum", S. rupestre, S. spurium with fresh harvest&ed cuttings without previous rooting. Cuttings of S. spathulifolium "Cape Blanco" increased their mass and projective cover slowly and required rooting before planting in a green roof.

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