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Опис документа:

Автор: Мостова С.М.
Назва: Дискурсивні виміри заповіту Йосифа Сліпого
Видавництво: ХНПУ ім. Г.С. Сковороди
Сторінок: С. 105-114
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Лінгвістичні дослідження
Анотація:   Визначено мовленнєвий жанр заповіту Йосифа Сліпого як процес і результат текстотвірної діяльності, спрямований на вербалізацію постулатів віри та їхню транспозицію на суспільні питання, актуальні для України. З’ясовано специфіку заповіту, особливості дискурсивної реалізації оптативності, евіденційності, персуазивності. Схарактеризовано акцентування сакральних смислів у перформативних та імперативних висловленнях, які сприяють більшому впливу на реципієнтів. Заповіт містить волю автора, саморефлексію й орієнтири для суспільства, що робить його важливим джерелом для досліджень.
   The influence of religion on various spheres of society is extremely important. Analysing Josyf Slipyi’s religious heritage, we can trace many spiritual issues that he considered in his works as ascertainment of the status of the Ukrainian Church and its state function. Therefore, it is expedient to study the testament as a communicative activity of Josyf Slipyi, which determines the relevance of our article. The work aims to study the discursive dimensions in the above-mentioned testament. The main objectives are to determine the theoretical foundations of Josyf Slipyi’s religious discourse, to reveal its specifics, functioning, and communicative value of text creation, t&o characterize the speech genre of the testament in the assertion of Patriarch’s faith, to highlight the speech realization in the religious discourse of the testament, its interactivity. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is that the dis&cursive dimensions of Josyf Slipyi’s testament have never been characterized before. This article deals with the discursive parameters of the testament, its structure, and compositional construction. The study defines the speech genre of the testamen&t as a process and result of text-forming activity, aimed at verbalization of faith and transposition to social issues. Josyf Slipyi highlights Christian values and spiritual intentions through the communicative acts, performatives, and imperative c&onstructions that influence recipients. Distinctive features of the religious discourse of the testament are a high level of persuasiveness, optativity and provability. It also contains the author’s will, self-reflection, and guidelines for society. &Particular attention is paid to the communicative strategies. The ability to interact, use speech acts, take into account extra lingual factors and apply a wide range of discursive markers ensures audience interest and successful communication. The d&esire to convey spiritual intentions has led to the frequent use of imperative constructions. Evidence is represented in the author’s citation of religious texts. Thus, through the speech genre of the testament, the author affirms faith and values,& as well as expresses spiritual intentions. In general, the actualization of communicative peculiarities takes place with the help of linguistic means that provide effective interaction between the speaker and the addressees, representing the author&’s worldview paradigm. The religious discourse of the testament describes the church, national and cultural, scientific and socio-political life in Ukraine, which makes it an important source for study, which is needed to identify other discursive p&arameters of different speech genres of Josyf Slipyi.

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