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Опис документа:

Автор: Ткач О.І., Ткач А.О.
Назва: "М"яка сила" як характерна ознака політичного впливу великої держави за умов багатополярного світу в латиноамериканському регіоні
Видавництво: ВАДЕКС
Сторінок: С. 77-85
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Політологічний вісник: збірник наукових праць / Політологічний центр при Київ. нац. ун-ті ім. Тараса Шевченка. Вип. 80. - Київ: ВАДЕКС, 2018
Анотація:   Formulation of the problem: The constituents of the soft power concept within the realization of the smart power strategy by political actors. The special attention is paid to the influence on modern political processes by the global events. The constituents of the soft power concept within the realization of the smart power strategy by political actors. Purpose of the research: External U.S. Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean under the Barack Obama Administration. Research methods: The following research methods were used to address the issues set in the article: general scientific methods-descriptive, hermeneutic-political, systemic, structural-functional, comparative, institutional-comparative; general logical methods-empirical, statistical, prognostic modeling and analysis; special methods of political science. The preference was given to the method of political-system analysis, by which the common and distinctive characteristics of the basic components of soft power strategies were identified, reflecting existing political, public, information and other challenges for international relations and global development. For empirical research, the factual basis was used, which was compiled by an expert survey of Ukrainian specialists-&political scientists. Practical and systematic methods were used to analyze the system of relations in the Caribbean region from four perspectives: the United States-the Caribbean, the United States-reginal poriegn policy influence, as well as relati&ons between the Caribbean countries. Functional and general historiographical methods were also used. Methods of analysis and synthesis allowed exploring the features of the U.S. foreign policy in the Caribbean. In order to implement these methods, s&uch methodological techniques as analogy, comparison, generalization and extrapolation were used. When detecting inertia signs in the U.S. foreign policy at the global and regional levels, diachronic analysis was used. The method for analyzing the si&tuation (studying documents, comparing, etc. ) was used to study international and political processes in the Caribbean region, exploratory methods (in particular, content analysis) for the analysis of high-level documents and speeches, which in turn& helped identify and outline the trends in foreign policy of the countries of the region. The special attention is paid to the influence on modern political processes by the global events. In modern terms "soft power" should be considered the focus o&f global socio-political, economic and cultural processes. They form a new, radically different from the past, the system of world politics, where classical hierarchical model of relations between political actors giving way to networks. As part of t&he current international policy becomes "soft power"-complex instruments resolve foreign policy problems using the capabilities of civil society, information and communication, humanitarian and other alternative methods of classical diplomacy and tec&hnology. The author analyzed and identified the peculiarities and trends of the Security Dimension of LAC Foreign Policy under the influence of operating conditions of the LAC security environment at national, regional and international levels. The r&elevance of the topic is determined by the need of comprehensive scientific-practical analysis of the Security Dimension of LAC Foreign Policy because of the fundamental meaning of the term "security". The author used the term "security dimension of &foreign policy" to mean the set of objectives, tools and actions, distributed within the system of LAC foreign policy for the purpose of detecting, preventing and neutralizing of security threats. To achieve these purposes the author has set the foll&owing tasks:analyzing conceptual and theoretical approaches of the Security Dimension of LAC Foreign Policy; determining the state and factors of transformation of the LAC"s security environment; analyzing the U.S. and influences on LAC"s security po&

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