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Опис документа:

Автор: Taranenko Hanna
Назва: International organizations contributing to elections observation as an instrument of securing human
Видавництво: ВАДЕКС
Сторінок: С. 71-81
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Політологічний вісник: збірник наукових праць / Політологічний центр при Київ. нац. ун-ті ім. Тараса Шевченка. Вип. 82. - Київ: ВАДЕКС, 2019
Анотація:   The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of international organizations in elections observation as an instrument of ensuring human rights. The objectives are to analyze the notions of democracy and human rights, democratization trends worldwide, current threats to human rights related to elections procedures and the role of international organizations as entities safeguarding human rights in the globalized world. In order to investigate this problem the researcher utilized such scientific methods as deduction and induction, historical and comparative method and the case study one. Historical and comparative methods were used to trace the evolution of international organizations"" activities with regard to elections observation and compare various organizations" pertinent processes and procedures. Case study method was used to collect and analyze qualitative data about international organizations" activity related to elections observation and to define their role in ensuring human rights, in particular, freedom of expression. The notions of democracy and human rights, democratization trends worldwide, current threats to human rights related to elections procedures and the role of international organizations as entities safeguarding& human rights in the globalized world were analyzed. As a result, it can be stated that in the increasingly globalized world there are various democratization trends. There are different visions and models of democracy, yet no single one can be consi&dered optimal. It can be noted that international organizations play a significant role in elections observation as an instrument of ensuring human rights. The dynamic rhythm of global development helps to promote plurality of ideas, political ideolo&gies and ethical values. It can be concluded that in this increasingly interconnected world democracy has the function of a mediator promoting understanding among countries, first of all, through the United Nations. Democracy as a type of political r&egime, i. e. type of relationship between the country leadership and the people cannot function effectively without active social groups and civil society organizations. The political context has to promote freedom of speech, independent media, rule &of law, effective judiciary system and overall respect for human rights. Freedom of expression and political choices are among fundamental human rights guaranteed by democratic national and international laws. International organizations are among th&e most noteworthy entities on the world arena safeguarding human rights and free expression of people"s political will. International organizations are working actively in order to tackle current threats to human rights, in particular, freedom of exp&ression and freedom of political will. To this end, the international and national organizations provide comprehensive electoral support. The United Nations, the European Union, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and the Council& of Europe are actively engaged in providing electoral support and assist in holding objective and just elections worldwide, especially in transitioning countries. They play a key role in providing electoral support in accordance with the internation&al organizations" mission, bolstering democracy and safeguarding human rights. The role of international organizations in the globalized world as human rights protector continues to be vital and indispensable.
   Мета цього дослідження-визначити роль м&іжнародних організацій у спостереженні за виборами як інструмент забезпечення прав людини. Завданнями є проаналізувати поняття демократії та прав людини, тенденції демократизації у всьому світі, сучасні загрози правам людини, пов"язані з процедурами &виборів, та роль міжнародних організацій як структур, що захищають права людини у глобалізованому світі. Для дослідження цієї проблеми були використані такі наукові методи, як дедукція та індукція, історико-порівняльний метод та метод case study. Іст&

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