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Опис документа:

Автор: Дзьобань О.П.
Назва: Генеза уявлень про проблему безпеки: від Античності до Нового Часу
Видавництво: ВАДЕКС
Сторінок: С. 8-15
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Політологічний вісник: збірник наукових праць / Політологічний центр при Київ. нац. ун-ті ім. Тараса Шевченка. Вип. 83. - Київ: ВАДЕКС, 2019
Анотація:   Security problem has always been in the center for the study of representatives of various sectors of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Her understanding of the constantly addressed in his works, scholars, politicians, statesmen and public figures. In recent years the problem of security has become extremely popular and used so widely that it is often impossible to distinguish the essence and boundaries of the basic components of concepts and categories in this context. Therefore there is a need to specifythe nature and content of philosophical understanding of security issues on the basis of the retrospective analysis of the heritage of the most typical representatives of philosophical thought in this direction. The purpose of this article to specify thenature and content of philosophical understanding of security issues on the basis of the retrospective analysis of the heritage of the most typical representatives of philosophical thought in this direction. The article was used the whole complex of philosophical, General scientific and specific methods of research that are inherent in modern science, in their interrelation and complementarity. A key method was comparativecritical analysis of various conceptualizations of the phenomenon of national &security in historical and philosophical context. In addition, the methodological basis of research is based on General scientific methods of research of problems of safety in modern society, and especially empirical, comparative, analytical and desc&riptive. In the heyday of ancient philosophy at the center of attention of thinkers was the idea of common security. The ancient Greeks were mainly linked security with the absence of war. In the era of late antiquity formed a negative attitude to th&e war in General as barbaric deeds, and the recognition of the usefulness of some of its types that contribute to "local security". The middle Ages in ideological terms is characterized by the endorsement of the Christian religion that permeates all &spheres of social life and consciousness, so the idea of a possible survival (salvation) was connected with God, and the perception of security is largely determined by religious ideology. Christianity did not approve of war and military service, see&ing the worst sin is the deprivation of human life. In the Renaissance people were viewed as the highest value, and all her problems were the focus of attention of the thinkers of that time that forced them to think over the problem of safe relations& between States and to seek ways to improve them. In philosophy of New time, an understanding of security as a necessary condition of human life. Starting with Hobbes, security has been regarded as derived from the joint efforts of society and govern&ment. The conclusion is that in the modern age on the basis of previous work security subject was developed in the framework of the mechanistic worldview, in which nature and society would be synonymous with some of the mechanisms, "social machine". &In this universe the existence of a risk is understood as a violation of purpose "social machine" (society) and security management a priori was given to the state the owner of the "social machine". This mechanistic methodology, however, allowed huma&nity to expand the boundaries of ideas about the world and forming in practice a more secure relationship of the individual with nature and society. It is clear that the priority in those days was considered the security of the state, exercised throu&gh the elimination and prevention of negative social and managerial phenomena.
   Останніми роками проблема безпеки стала надзвичайно популярною й використовується настільки широко, що виникає необхідність конкретизувати сутність і зміст філософського &розуміння проблеми безпеки на підставі ретроспективного аналізу спадщини найхарактерніших представників філософської думки у даному напрямку. Мета статті - конкретизувати сутність і зміст філософського розуміння проблеми безпеки на підставі ретроспек&

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