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Опис документа:

Автор: Derkach O.
Назва: The influence of student self-government on the development of university autonomy in Poland
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: С. 8-11
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   The article is devoted to the problem of studying the influence of student self - government bodies in Polish universities on the development of university autonomy. Student self-government in Europe is not a new phenomenon, dating back to the first medieval universities. Even then, the most talented students were involved in certain administrative functions, as well as in teaching as assistant professors. No wonder universities are considered a kind of model of civil society and in this regard preceded the modern type of European civilization. The article considers the main competencies of student government in Poland. The Polish experience of leading higher education institutions in the field of activity and functioning of student self-government asone of the social institutions of society, which is extremely interesting and useful for Ukraine, is analyzed. The organizational and legal bases of functioning of public student associations in the academic environment of Poland are analyzed. The role and place of the Polish Student Parliament in the system of state and public administration of higher education are shown. It is noted that the main body of student self-government in Poland is the Student Government Council. The Student Government Cou&ncil is a body of resolution consisting of nine students selected in a general election. For student activities, this is approximately what the Seimas is for public authorities. The brightest and most significant are the main directions and tasks of &student self-government bodies, the system of student self-government activities in higher education institutions in Poland. A feature of student government in Poland is their strong material base and financial and legal independence from the adminis&tration of the educational institution. It is determined that the Polish system of student self-government starting from the legislative level and ending with the material side has significant differences from the Ukrainian, which are discussed in de&tail in the article.
   Стаття присвячена проблемі вивчення впливу органів студентського самоврядування в університетах Польщі на розвиток університетської автономії. Студентське самоврядування на європейських теренах не є новим феноменом, сягаючи свої&м корінням ще часів виникнення перших середньовічних університетів. Вже тоді найбільш здібні студенти залучалися до виконання окремих адміністративних функцій, а також до викладання у якості помічників професорів. Недаремно університети вважаються св&оєрідною моделлю громадянського суспільства і в цьому плані передували сучасному типу європейської цивілізації.

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