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Опис документа:

Автор: Пясецька С.І.
Назва: Загальна тривалість випадків відкладень ожеледі категорії СГЯ (стихійні) на території України у місяці холодного періоду року протягом 1991-2016 рр.
Видавництво: Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
Сторінок: С. 36-49
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Фізична географія та геоморфологія
Анотація:   The article describes the nature of the distribution of cases of black ice in the category of SHP (spontaneous) in Ukraine during the periods of 1991-2000, 2001-2010 and 2011-2016. The total duration of such events in individual gradations has been determined and their recurrence has been outlined. Also, it was installed on the territory and which stations have the greatest duration of such deferred. It was found that during the investigated periods for the most part, the deposits of spontaneous black ice in the central, eastern and southern regions were of considerable duration. In the western regions, cases of excessive deposits of spontaneous ice were observed, but somewhat less frequently. The most prolonged periods were the deposition of ice-cream category spontaneous in December 1997, November 1999, November and December 2000, November 2012 and 2014. It has been found that in the studied months the total duration of ice deposits of the category of spontaneous has a very heterogeneous nature, that is, the spectrum of duration varies from short-term deposits no more than 6-10 or 11-15 hours to longer than 20-32 hours, long-term from 40-50 hours to ultrafine from 80 hours to more than 96 hours. Between 1991 and 2001, deposition of ice of the s&pontaneous category was mostly observed in the central, eastern and southern regions. The cases of sediment were observed in the western regions of Transcarpathia and Khmelnytskyi. During 1991-200, for the most part, insignificant in duration of depo&sition in the range from midday to 1 day, and in some cases a little more. This applies to all stations, regardless of its geographical location, since this is primarily due to a synoptic situation and is determined by the current physical conditions& that accompany this deposition. The highest repetition of long ice deposits during 1991-2000 was observed mainly in November and December. Especially in November 1999 and 2000, and mainly in December 1997. Territorially, such long deposition during &which the diameter of the category of spontaneous was achieved were mostly observed at stations in the country (Kirovograd, Dnipropetrovsk regions), in the east (Luhansk, Donetsk regions) and on in the south (Odesa, Mykolaiv, Zaporozhye regions). In &some cases, long-term deposition was observed in the Khmelnytsky regions (November 1999 and 2000). In 2001-2010, there was a slight increase in the number of glacial ice deposits in the Cold Year months, but they were absent in April, and somewhat ch&anged the range of gradations of the total duration of these deposits in terms of increasing their duration (the average part of the range of gradations) in a few months - February and December. Also, there were significant long-term deposition of sp&ontaneous ice deposition in January compared to 1991-2000. In general, cases of the duration of such sediments in gradations from 16-20 hours to 41-45 hours were more frequent. However, the amount of excessive deposits has decreased. There also exist&ed and less than the total duration of deposition. The most long-term deposition of ice category of spontaneous was observed mainly in the east in the Donetsk region and the Crimea in 2010. In 2011-2016 there was a certain redistribution of the numbe&r of cases of ice-oats in the category of CHP in the separate months studied. So, in January and November, the number of ice deposits in the category of spontaneous increased in relation to the previous time intervals, but decreased in other months. &Territorially, such sediments were mostly observed in the center, east and south of the country, but they were noted in separate areas in the west in the Lviv and Ternopil regions, especially in Transcarpathia in the Playa area. For the most part, du&ring the studied months, deposits of ice of the category spontaneous are dominated by a slight duration of up to 20-25 hours, sometimes up to 30-35 hours. Longer-term deposits were observed in most cases in November 2012 and 2014 in the south of Dnip&

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