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Опис документа:

Автор: Білошицька Н.
Назва: Історико-правові засади становлення та розвитку фабричнозаводської інспекції Київського округу у другій половині ХІХ ст.
Сторінок: С. 12-17
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті комплексно досліджено історико-правові засади утворення та діяльності фабрично-заводської інспекції в межах Київського фабричного округу. На основі аналізу та узагальнення законодавчих актів показано організацію процесу роботи фабричних інспекторів, їх взаємодію з іншими державними установами. Окреслено спектр проблем, вирішення яких покладалося саме на фабрично-заводську інспекцію. Висвітлено її участь у вирішенні "робітничого питання".
   В статье комплексно исследованы историко-правовые основы создания и подальшей деятельности фабрично-заводской инспекции в пределах Киевского фабричного округа. На основе анализа и обобщения законодательных актов показано организацию деятельности фабричных инспекторов, их взаимодействие с другими государственными учреждениями. Определен спектр проблем, решение которых возлагалось именно на фабрично-заводскую инспекцию. Определено ее участие в разрешении "рабочего вопроса" во второй половине ХІХ века.
   The article deals with historical and legal grounds of establishment and development of the Factory Inspection within Kyiv factory district in the late 19th century. The basic prerequisites and factors, which contributed to the establishment of the Factory Inspection as the state body aimed at control over &the compliance with labor legislation by employees and employers at the factories and plants, have been analyzed. The reasons were the following: mass discontent of workers with undue exploitation of their work without any regulations, particularly i&t referred to women and children; no social insurance and social guarantees on the part of employers; frequent mutilation and deaths among employees at the factories and plants. Lack of labor legislation contributed to outrage and impunity of entrepr&eneurs. Hard and illegal position of employees in the Russian Empire of the 19th century made them strike and rebel at the factories and plants. This situation was happening in the early 19th century. Rebellions and strikes bothered the authorities a&s they threatened to the general public order. In such a way in the end of the 50th years of the 19th century the government started deciding "employees" issue". As a result the Factory Inspection was established in 1884. Its main task was to control& and regulate relations between employers and employees, keep statistics of the industry development. Following the analysis and structuring of legislative documents adopted by the Government of the Russian Empire, the article demonstrates the establ&ishment and organization of work and activity of the Fabric Inspection of Kyiv district. Particularly, the following factory inspection included to the Compilation of Laws of the Russian Empire have been analyzed: "On Minor Employees at the Factorie&s, Plants and Manufactory" (1882), "On Recovery for Violations of Regulations on the Work of Minors at Factories, Manufactories and Handicraft Establishments" (1884), "On the Ban of Night Work for Minors and Women at the Factories, Plants and Manufac&tures" (1885), "Rules on Supervision Over Factory Industry Establishments and Mutual Relations between Employers and Employees" (1886), "On Amendments to the Regulations on the Work of Minors, Juveniles and Females at the Factories, Plants and Manufa&ctures and Infl uence of the Rules on Work and Teaching of Minors at the Handicraft Establishments" (1890), "Transformation of the Factory Inspection and Positions of Provincial Mechanics and Influence of the Rules on Supervision over the Establishme&nts of the Factory Industry and Mutual Relations between the Employers and Employees" (1894), "Order to the Officials of the Factory Inspection from the Department of Trade and Manufactures of the Ministry of Finance" (1894). These legislative acts r&egulated basically the organization of the Factory Inspection activities. It had to control the fact that the employers and employees at the factories and plants observed strict legislative restrictions provided by the mentioned laws, and to inform t&

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