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Опис документа:

Автор: Білоцерківська А.
Назва: Особливості організації наукового забезпечення сільськогосподарської галузі УРСР у 1946-1956 роках
Сторінок: С. 112-118
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У даній науковій роботі висвітлюються особливості організації наукового забезпечення сільськогосподарської галузі УРСР у період 1946-1956 років, розкривається процес пошуку оптимальних форм координації розвитку сільськогосподарської науки в межах діяльностіМіністерства сільського господарства УРСР та Академії наук УРСР.
   В данной научной работе освещаются особенности организации научного обеспечениясельскохозяйственной отрасли УССР в период 1946-1956 годов, раскрывается процесс поискаоптимальных форм координации развития сельскохозяйственной науки в рамках деятельностиМинистерства сельского хозяйства УССР и Академии наук УССР.
   In this research work, specifi c features of scientifi c support of the agricultural sector of the USSRin the period 1946-1956 are shown and process of fi nding optimal forms of coordination of agriculturalscience development within the activities of Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR and the Academy ofSciences is disclosed.Consideration of this issue is started in the book "Arrangements for scientific providingof agricultural industry of the USSR in the years 1946-1956", which was prepared in 2014 of theemployees of the National Agricultural Library NAAS based on historical and scientifi c analysisof documents and materi&als of the Central State Archives of higher authorities and government ofUkraine and Central State Archive of Public Organizations of Ukraine. The source database is a set ofunpublished materials of Central State Archives of higher authorities and go&vernment of Ukraine, andalso legislation acts published in the decisions and orders of the government of the USSR.Studies have shown that research institutions of agricultural profi le in the study period were subjectto various departments: 1) the Mi&nistry of Agriculture of the USSR; 2) Ministry of Agriculture of theUSSR; 3) Ministry of Food; 4) Ministry of Industry of meat and dairy products USSR; 5) Ministry farmsUSSR; 6) Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR; 7) Academy of Sciences.In 1947&-1951 in the USSR there were 28 agricultural research institutes and branches institutes,56 research stations, 16 research fi elds, 25 strong points, 10 points and 57 research experimental basesand 18 higher agricultural education and number other in&stitutions that led research work in the fieldof agriculture. Out of these, in the Offi ce of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR (hereinafter -MSG USSR) there were 9 research institutes, 32 research and experimental stations, 15 research fields,&8 strong points, 10 points and 56 research experimental bases that differed little from 1941 p.It has been found that mainly coordination of research institutions concentrated in the agriculturalspecial department of the Ministry of Land Affairs of t&he USSR (from 1947 - MSG USSR), which hasrepeatedly changed its name in the above period: 1946 - Scientifi c Sector - of research institutions, in the1947-1948 - Administration of research institutions in the 1949-1952 - Administration of agricultura&lpromotion in 1953 - Department of Agricultural advocacy and research institutions in 1954 - Departmentand promotion of agricultural science in 1955-1956. - Department of Agricultural Sciences.In general Administration of research institutions was do&ing: scientifi c guidance to researchinstitutions; provided organizational and economic equipment for experimental bases of researchinstitutions; did editorial and publishing work; maintained graduates" training, trained researchers andprovided compl&etion of staff.It should be noted that an important role in the management of agricultural science in the countryplayed the Division of Agricultural Sciences at the USSR Academy of Sciences, established in October 20,1945 pursuant to the resolution o&f RNA USSR and Communist Party (Bolsheviks) with the objective of asingle governing body for comprehensive agricultural science and fully address the theoretical issues relatedto improving soil fertility, creating new more harvest crops, developing a&

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