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Опис документа:

Автор: Пашківська О.
Назва: Становлення та розвиток вітчизняного агроґрунтознавствав 20-х роках хх ст.: історичний аналіз
Сторінок: С. 102-107
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   Комплексно досліджено історико-наукову картину становлення і розвитку агроґрунтознавства в Україні у 20-х роках ХХ ст. Розглянуто політичні, соціально-економічні умови розвитку галузі в досліджуваному періоді. Розкрито особливості проведення ґрунтових дослідженьв Україні у 20-х роках минулого століття.
   Комплексно исследовано историко-научную картину становления и развития агропочвоведения в Украине в 20-х годах ХХ века. Рассмотрены политические, социально-экономические условия развития отрасли в исследуемом периоде. Раскрыты особенности проведения почвенных исследований в Украине в 20-х годах прошлого века.
   The article is dedicated to complex research of becoming and development of agro soil science in Ukraine in 20-th of ХХ century. The political, socio-economic terms of development of industry are considered in an explored period. Conducting features are exposed soil researches in Ukraine in 20th of the last century. Becoming history and activity of type experimental establishments and of a particular branchdepartments of agricultural educational establishments is refl ected, basic directions are found out andanalyses them research work from an agro soil science in a probed period. Certainly contribution of separate scientists to development &of soil science of Ukraine. For deepening of research a division into the periods of lead through of inspection of soils of Ukraine is developed after basic research work assignments in an agro soil science. In Ukraine in 20th of ХХ of century, sovie&t power is conduct the row of the agrarian reforms, sent to organization of the scientifi c providing of conduct of agriculture that became decision for further development of agrarian science and her fundamental industry - soil science. It is set th&at coordination of soil researches at the beginning of 20th Section of soil science of the Agricultural scientifi c committee of Ukraine engaged in of the last century. By the collective of section under the direction of professor G. Machov was worke&d out and published the fi rst sketch-map of soils of Ukraine in a 25-verst scale, the analogues of that at that time did not exist in other republics of the USSR. It should be noted "Soil Science", prepared G. Machov By a stroke for the students of &agricultural institutions of higher learning. This was the fi rst textbook on soil science, written in Ukrainian language, in that soil science was examined as separate not division of course of general agriculture, but as independent discipline. The& workers of Section of soil science were develop only methodology of realization of research of soils of existent network 27 the agricultural experimental stations of republic. Studies of soils of the experimental agricultural stations of Ukraine wer&e undertaken with the purpose of determination of properties of soils for the improvement of their fertility. Thus, by the collective of Section of soil science of the Agricultural scientifi c committee methodological bases were stopped up for furthe&r system research works from an agro soil science. It is found out that after liquidation of the Agricultural scientifi c committee in 1927 of function of coordinating center on questions of agro soil science were laid on the Central agrochemical lab&oratory, to that from May, 1928 by a separate department Section of soil science was added. By the department of soil science an inspection and mapping of soils were conducted 30 experimental agricultural stations of Ukraine in a 3-verst scale. The s&tudy of soils of droughty district of south of Ukraine is conducted on an area 1 million and in connection with realization of irrigation of this territory. The department of soil science was execute an experience work from the study of methods of ag&rochemical research of fertility of soil; determination of the friendliest to development agricultural plants of correlations of separate nourishing elements is in fertilizers and soil. In an investigated period development of separate questions from&

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