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Опис документа:

Автор: Пелешко А.
Назва: Історична візія поняття грецької культури Північного Причорномор"я у вітчизняній історіографії
Сторінок: С. 37-44
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті розкриті основні риси грецької культури, носіями якої є декілька етнічних груп, що мешкають у Північному Причорномор"ї та Надазов"ї. Здійснено аналіз опублікованих вітчизняних історичних праць. Розглянуті здобутки та існуючі прогалини в історіографії проблеми.
   В статье раскрыты основные черты греческой культуры, носителями которой являютсянесколько этнических групп, проживающих на территории Северного Причерноморья и Надазовья. Проанализированы опубликованные отечественные исторические работы. Исследованыдостижения и существующие пробелы в историографии проблемы.
   It is significant that an existence of some ethnic groups in Northern Black Sea Coast being considered as "Greek population" should be defined as a "Greek features of culture" in ahistoriography.The article is referred to the problems of conceptions and definitions of so-called "Greek features ofculture" of Northern Black Sea Coast. The author covers the reasons and a periodization of "Greek features of culture" according to the studies in a historiography. There was division into two periods of Greek colonization in this region: the Hellenistic period and Byzantine Greek period being characterized by "Christianization" of local inhabitants. It is important that this mixed ty&pe of culture should be regarded as the Hellenistic Christian form of Greek culture in the period of a modern history. These aspects of Greek history were studied by historians. A historical development of Greek settlements in the Middle Ages seemed &to be not proved by historical sources and documents.The article is devoted to the question how Christian inhabitants who survived in "Pripontiyska khora" could be "Greeks" and inheritances of Greek culture.The author deals with Greek communities of &Ukraine having pretensions to be regarded inheritances of ancient polisis and Byzantine subjects. Ancestors of "Priazov" and "Mariupole" the Greek settled in the Crimea in 1778. This group of population turned out to be bearers of so-called "Greek fe&atures of culture". Due to these ethnic groups there is opportunity to study a process of transformation ancient polis culture into "province", local and "barbarous" Byzantine culture. It should be noted that this type of culture is being divided int&o two groups: "Greek-Rome" culture and "Turkish-Urum"s" culture. The problems of a historical background of these groups of inhabitation have been researched in this article. In presented work a special attention was paid to the Christianization and &converting into Byzantine Greeks in the VII-IX centuries. In the XV-XVII centuries there were appeared Turkish spoken Greeks. This problem is not referred to this article.The author covers the reasons of destruction of "Greek features of culture" in &the 20-s of the XX century. This process was studied by historians wholly. It is important that historians should not forget about non-traditional variant of acting some elements of Greek culture. They are known to bedefined as neohellestic-byzantine& greek population and those who study Greek. The author of the article has done a conclusion that stated non-traditional and functional variant of "Greek features of culture" will become a new ethnic form which can lead to a formation new aspects of &their existence. Perhapsthis historical fact will start of a process of self-identifi cation for bearers of so-called "Greek featuresof culture"" in Northern Black Sea Coast and Nadazove.

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