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Опис документа:

Автор: Літвінов О.
Назва: Внесок учених Інситуту електрозварювання ім. Є.О. Патонав розвиток зварювальних технологій (друга половина ХХ ст.)
Сторінок: С. 150-153
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті проаналізовані розробки вчених Інституту електрозварювання ім. Є.О. Патона, який став найбільшим в світі науковим центром в галузі зварювання та спеціальної електрометалургії в другій половині ХХ ст. Описано нові технології електрозварювання, які першочергово застосовувалися у виготовленні атомних реакторів, хімічних апаратів, вузлів ракет і літаків, електронного обладнання та іншої новітньої техніки.
   В статье проанализированы разработки ученых Института электросварки им. Е.О. Патона, которыйстал крупнейшим в мире научным центром в области сварки и специальной электрометаллургии во второй половине ХХ в. Описаны новые технологии электросварки, которые в первую очередь применялись в изготовлении атомных реакторов, химических аппаратов, узлов ракет и самолетов, электронного оборудования и другой новейшей техники.
   The article focuses on investigation oft the scientific elaborations E.O. Paton Electric welding Institute. Which were the greatest researcher center in the field of welding and special electrometallurgy in the second half of the twentieth century. We demonstrated new technology of electric welding, which were used primarily in the manufacture of nuclear reactors, chemical devices, nodes missiles and aircraft, electronic equipmen&t and other modern technology. In the second half of the twentieth century, E.O. Paton Electric welding Institute rate of creation of new technologies has increased significantly welding. The investigation of physical and metallurgical processes in w&elding, surfacing, coating, melting and other related technologies have given rise to new research progress in technology. In the fields of worker appeared a new energy, electronic, laser and light beams, plasma arc; mastered energy blast, magnetic p&ulse energy, friction, diffusion phenomena; developed the world"s first micro welding heteropolar pulses. Were improved welding materials, improved equipment. Primarily the new technologies were used in the manufacture of atomic reactors, chemical de&vices, nodes missiles and aircraft, electronic equipment and other modern technology. The research work performed world standart made in advanc welding materials, agglomerated flux,cored wires, high quality electrodes used for the manufacture of sphe&rical tanks, pipe connections onhighways, building structures and other responsible destination. We have already studied of thermal and metallurgical processes of welding, the strength of welded joints created databases, several thousand pieces of eq&uipment. For the Institute Technology of weld, electron-beam meltinng, solder, sprayed products millimeter thickness from a few meters to almost all metals, ceramics and other materials; scope of welding and related technologies expanded from jewelry& industry and medicine to aerospace engineering and a great number of kilometers oil pipeline. As in the "History of the National Sciences Academi of Ukraine": noted "The Department of physical and technical problems it goes without saing the leader &was the E.O. Paton Electric welding Institute, which became the world"s largest research center in the field of welding and special electrometallurgy. The scientistsof institute have received significant results in physics and low-arc discharge plasm&a powerful sharply focused beams of electrons and their control systems, melting and solidification of metals. The technology was developed welding mechanized pulsed, welding in space and underwater, electron beam welding very thick metals, created n&ew effective and low toxic welding materials developed methods significantly improve the reliability and durability of welded structures operating at normal and low temperatures". Now EWI named after Paton - it"s a scientific, technical and industria&l complex, which includes besides the institute with academic departments and laboratories, experimental design and technology bureau, experimental production, Special Design and Technology Bureau of pilots production technology using metal explosion&

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