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Автор: Чередник К.
Назва: Розгортання науково-дослідної діяльності Панфильського болотного опорного пункту за науковими програмами його директора Миколи Ничипоровича Шевченка у 1930-х рр.
Сторінок: С. 137-144
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   Аналізуються часи становлення (1930-ті рр.) Панфильського болотного опорного пункту (в подальшому - станції) як повноцінної наукової установи, застосовані методи досліджень, відпрацьовані прийоми якої виявилися настільки життєздатними, що основні положення та рекомендації витримали випробування часом та стали класичними для землеробства на болотних ґрунтах України. А молодий її керманич М.Н. Шевченко своїми науковими працями, багато з яких мали свій початок в цій дослідній установі по праву увійшов до плеяди аграрної еліти України.
   Анализируются времена становления (1930-е гг.) Панфильского болотного опорного пункта (в дальнейшем - станции) как полноценного научного учреждения, примененные методы исследований, отработанные приемы которого оказались настолько жизнеспособными, что основные положения и рекомендации выдержали испытание временем и стали классическими для земледелия на болотных почвах Украины. А молодой его руководитель М.Н. Шевченко своими научными трудами, многие из которых имели свое начало в этом исследовательском учреждении, по праву вошел в плеяду аграрной элиты Украины.
   Background of becoming Panfyly Experimental Station is observed. Scientists" works on this subject that initiated and made a significant basis for the deployme&nt of full scientific activity are analyzed. Establishment of the institution has become an important government decisions. Historically decisive role of the third of its director - M.N. Shevchenko is proved. Significant achievements of the instituti&on under the leadership of the scientist, started in 1930 and became a classic for agriculture in the fertile peaty soils, are shown. Despite the periods of financial difficulty, technical expenses, technological and methodological problems in agricu<ural uses of marshy soils, M.N. Shevchenko (on the achievements of predecessors and thanks to his own organizational skills and profound professional knowledge) could overcome major obstacles and organize activities of the institution as a scientif&ic cell, its achievements have become classics for farming in the fertile wetlands. These results have been widely implemented in scientific practice, and copper micronutrient fertilizers are mandatory component of plants power supply of on this type& of Ukrainian soils. Subsequently, the study was expanded by other trace elements: zinc, boron, molybdenum. M.N. Shevchenko substantiated norms and doses of these microelements, found their interactions with mineral fertilizers, physiological importa&nce as catalysts that accelerate biochemical and physiological processes. The analysis of patterns of experiments that were developed by Mykola N. Shevchenko in 1930 are observed. As a result of careful observance of techniques during re-consolidatio&n of received data, verified scientific advice were given to agriculture in marsh soils of Ukraine.Main lines of investigations of the station are the development of scientific and reasonable structureof sown areas, crop rotation, fertilizing systems&, means of cultivation and plant protection from weeds,pests, diseases and etc. It should also be noted effective results of working methods and ways of improving the efficiency of open drainage network and various types of drainage. The correctness &of the scientific approaches, worked by Panfyly Marsh Research Station, repeatedly the life confirmed. Valuable results of these investigations are widely implemented in practice, for example in the design of many drainage networks of Forest Steppe o&f Ukraine, namely in the floodplains ? Irpin, Trubizh, Nedra, Karan. Mykola N. Shevchenko is a leader in agricultural science of mastering and agricultural use of marsh soils with outstanding scientists who worked in research institution in different& periods, namely: M. Tyulenyev (1889?1969), A. Yangol (1903?1983), A. Beskrovny (born in 1919), I. Slyusar (born in 1939).

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