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Автор: Бондарчук С.
Назва: Професор А.І. Якобій (1837-1907 рр.) - теоретик і практик гігієнічної науки Харківського університетудругої половини ХІХ ст.
Сторінок: С. 133-137
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті розглядається багатогранна діяльність ученого-гігієніста Харківського університету А.І. Якобія в другій половині ХІХ ст. Аналізуються найважливіші праці вченого, які розкривають пріоритетні напрямки гігієнічних досліджень, характеризують громадянські і світоглядні позиції видатного гуманіста другої половини ХІХ ст.
   В статье рассматривается многогранная деятельность ученого-гигиениста Харьковского университета А.И. Якобия во второй половине ХІХ в. Анализируются важнейшие работы ученого, которые раскрывают приоритетные направления гигиенических исследований, определяют гражданские и мировоззренческие позиции выдающегося гуманиста второй половины ХІХ в.
   A.I. Yakobii as a scientist-hygienist of Kharkiv University and his many-sided activities in the second half of the XIX-th century are considered in the article. The most important works of the scientist, in which revealing priorities direction of hygienic studies, characterizing civil and world outlook positions of the outstanding humanist ofthe second half of the XIX-th century are analyzed. The formation domestic hygiene science in the second half of the XIX-th century associated with the name of the outstanding scientist, professor of Kharkiv University - Arkadii Ivanovych Yakobii (183&7-1907). The development of capitalist production needed to wage labour market, the creation of human resources, prevent massive epidemic diseases that actualized the problem of social hygiene and occupational health. Therefore, the formation of publ&ic health was one of important stage in the development of hygiene science of this period. Scientists-hygienists considered a man inseparable from society, in close connection with the factors that influence upon a man in conditions of social develop&ment. A.I. Yakobii and others scientists-hygienists of the second half of the XIX-th century understood the importance of social factors and develop hygiene as a social science. In their scientific works and lectures scientists have promoted the same& this idea. Analysis of the biographical data of A.I. Yakobii suggests that he was not only highly qualified specialist but was also a physician-humanist, who professed ideals of man-centrism. The biography of the scientist is instructive for the mo&dern generation of young researchers in the context of the experience of domestic science. However, the name of this distinguished scholar and public figure was undeservedly forgotten in Soviet period. Although more than two hundred years ago, A.I. Y&akobii outlined the great prospects of hygiene and did importance contribution that to turn it into a social institution. Heyday of Professor A. Yakobii activity occurs at Kharkov University, where he has come as a famous scientist already. At a mee&ting of the Medical Faculty of Kharkov University on February, the 17- th, 1872, the question of inviting A. Yakobii to the department of hygiene was solving, Professor A. Pitra said that A. Yakobii was "among the best forces of Kazan University and &was known for his scientific works". The department of hygiene was organized in Kharkov before it was listed by departments campus charter; Department of Hygiene joined the list of the Charter only in 1884So, Kharkov University professor A. Yakobii &played an important role in the formation and development of sanitary science on the field of Sloboda Ukraine. The major components of intellectual portrai of A. Yakobii were: professionalism, humanism, active lifestyle, humanity. The scientific achi&evements of scientists and practical activities serve as an important moral, ethical, socio-cultural dimensions of the second era of "intellectual revolution" mid - late nineteenth century.

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