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Опис документа:

Автор: Попельнюк Б.
Назва: Кризові явища в економіці давньогрецьких полісів (V - IV ст. до н.е.): історіогрфія
Сторінок: С. 112-117
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті розглянуті специфіка та сутність кардинальних перетворень в економіці полісногосуспільства у зазначений період. Здійснено аналіз опублікованих вітчизняних та зарубіжних історичних праць. Розглянуті здобутки та існуючі прогалини в історіографії проблеми.
   В статье рассмотрены специфика и сущность кардинальных преобразований в экономике полисного общества в указанный период. Проанализированы опубликованные отечественные и зарубежные исторические работы. Исследованы достижения и существующие пробелы в историографии проблемы.
   The problem of "polis" as the main form of political and social organization of Greek antiquity civilization is considered to be one of the important in the history of antiquity world. It is important that studying of the phenomenon of Greek polis and economic life should be researched as a peculiar feature of antiquity society wholly. Polis"s economic development and reasons of crisis events in (V-IV c. B.C.) seemed to be not dealt with connection of characteristics of antiquity generally. In modern historiography there are two types of polis economy which are differed one another bystructure. They are referred to this article. The first type is known to be "agrarian" one. The second typeis called as "trade- handcraft&" one.The author coves the reasons of crisis economics phenomenon of Greek polises giving the complex research of this process through historiography. While studying historiography"s points of view on this problem the author of article took chronolog&y principle separating Ukrainian, Russian and foreign western historiography. It should be noticed that there are no special works that would reveal economic life and development of Greek polises as a complex history. Some historians consider that an& existence of initial financial institutions in Greek polises happened to lead to the reasons of crisis. There are some differences among German, French and British scientists in studying of economics of Greek polis. For example, according to German &historical version (A. Beck) - "State Household of Athens" taxing system seemed to have been an innovation of antiquity society. The author of article paid attention to the theory of "modernization" of economic development in Greek polises which was &studied by French historians. The work is referred to the various aspects of problem in the publications of Ukrainian historians (V.Stavnuk, S.Golovanon). They investigated some events in the period of economic crisis of Greek polis avoiding to do ge&neral conclusions in comparison with works of modern western historians who consider that term "economics of Greek polis" will have another meaning than in the period of antiquity world. Due to studying of historiography historians will find food for& thought in article"s summaries of the evolution of historiography in this field.

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