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Опис документа:

Автор: Топчій О.
Назва: Соціально-професійна характеристика аграрної інтелігенції Чернігівщини в 1920-х - поч. 1930-х рр.
Сторінок: С. 88-95
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   У статті розглядаються основні сфери компетенції сільських аграріїв Чернігівщини, їх соціальний статус та професійна діяльність в 1920-х - поч. 1930-х рр. З"ясовуються форми таметоди взаємодії спеціалістів сільського господарства з селянством у сфері виробництва та специфіка їх фахової підготовки. Також розглянуто участь аграрної інтелігенції у здійсненні політики колективізації в регіоні, висвітлено репресії проти сільських спеціалістів. Показано їх участь у селянських об"єднаннях вказаного періоду.
   В статье рассматриваются основные сферы компетенции сельских аграриев Черниговщины, их социальный статус и профессиональная деятельность в 1920-х - в начале 1930-х гг. Выясняются основные формы и методы взаимодействия специалистов сельского хозяйства с крестьянством в сфере производства и специфика их профессиональной подготовки. Также рассмотрено участие аграрной интеллигенции в осуществлении политики коллективизации в регионе, отражены репрессии против сельских специалистов. Показано их участие в крестьянских объединениях указанного периода.
   The article researches the main competences of Chernihiv Region rural agriculturists, their social status and professional activities in 1920s - the beginning of 1930s. The key forms and methods of agricultur&e specialists" cooperation with the peasantry in the sphere of production and their professional training peculiarities are clarified. Having come into power, the Bolshevicks started to implement their agricultural programme, explicated by V. Lenin i&n a popular brochure "To the Rural Poor" in May, 1903. The party"s strategy consisted in creating big state farms on the basis of landlords" properties under the control of deputiesfrom the rural poor (the name "radgosps", meaning "council farms", or&iginated eventually). The leading role in the programme implementation belonged to the agricultural specialists, agriculturists in the first place. The agriculturists" competences included studying the state of their district agriculture and its deve&lopment prospects, revealing its needs, providing organizational activities among the rural citizens, taking part in the regulation for land distribution, cooperation, collectivization, consulting, working in local administration etc. The agriculturi&sts" efficient work was facilitated by the sufficiently broad network of agricultural schools. As "new" intelligentsia formation was to occur by means of class approach to university entrants" selection, entrants" social origin was taken into conside&ration at the examinations. Entrance priority was given to peasants and workers by origin. It should be emphasized that agriculturists" education required continuity. As the techniques of many cultures were improving, agriculturists had to renew and &enrich their knowledge constantly. Forest rangers were another category of production intelligentsia. They facilitated the spread of knowledge about forests" importance, the need of their preservation and increase. In practice it led to direct superv&ision of the state of Chernihiv Region forest tracts, and in educational and cultural work it took the form of giving lectures in agricultural schools and societies (for school children and adults), organizing excursions to forests, planting trees in& gardens, parks and forests, working in museums, societies "The Friends of the Forest" etc. The end of 1920s was marked by the beginning of the complete collectivization policy, which was launched in Chernihiv Region in November-December, 1929. Putti&ng into practice the party policy in the rural area, soviet agronomists were under double pressure: on the one hand, they were criticized by party officials, and on the other hand - they felt people"s disaffection to this policy. What is more, Cherhi&hiv Region agricultural intelligentsia couldn"t ovoid cleansing and repression. For instance, in 1923 such cleansing occurred among forest rangers in Sosnitsa, Mena and Koryukivka. Taking everything into account, it can be stated that the main respo&

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