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Опис документа:

Автор: Зубко О.
Назва: 2013 рік: 131-і роковини з дня народження Федора Петровича Швеця (1882-1940 рр.)
Сторінок: С. 51-58
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Часопис української історії
Анотація:   Життя та діяльність відомого українського політичного й громадського діяча Федора Петровича Швеця - яскравий приклад одночасної щирої дієвої участі в розбудові молодої незалежної Української держави та тривалої боротьби з власними політичними амбіціями.Подана стаття містить інформацію про життєвий шлях професора Швеця; умови, за яких відбувалося формування політика; обставини, які "підігрівали" його політичну амбітність; вимушений період еміграції і внутрішній світ його особистості.
   Жизнь и деятельность известного политического и общественного деятеля Федора Петровича Швеца - поразительный пример одновременного искреннего участия в строительстве молодого независимого Украинского государства и продолжительной борьбы с собственными политическими амбициями. Данная статья содержит информацию о жизненном пути профессора Швеца; условиях, которые способствовали формированию политика; обстоятельствах, которые усиливали его политическую амбиции; вынужденный период эмиграции и внутренний мир его личности.
   The life and work of Fedir Petrovych Shvets - a famous Ukrainian public and political figure of 1917-1920"s, unfortunately, is a striking example of a human shortsightedness, and in some aspects of political belonging. He, as a professional geologist,& professor of Kiev"s University, the head of Ukrainian peasants" union, member of the Ukrainian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries, was honored to proclaim the historical "Reunion Act" of the Ukrainian People"s Republic with West Ukrainian National R&epublic on January 22, 1919 at St. Sophia Square in Kyiv. It is interesting that the proclamation of the "Reunion Act" was symbolic for Fedir Petrovych as it was his last successful step in political career. On November 15, 1919 by a joint decision o&f the Directory and the Government of UPR Fedir Shvets and his colleague Andriy Makarenko went with diplomatic missions abroad, transferring all power to Simon Petliura. You can surmise that Professor Shvets even at that times intuitively felt rapid &reformation of the Directory to a personal dictatorship of Simon Petliura. It is clear that in this case prevails the natural human desire - to realize his own political ambitions. So the political arsenal of Shvets in 1919"s - 1920"s was supplemente&d with certain subtle intrigues. But the goal was not achieved: on May 25, 1920 Fedir Shvets was removed from the Directory of the UPR. His political shortsightedness costed him a career, as it rapidly rolled down. In 1920, Professor Shvets moved fro&m Vienna to Prague. From 1923 he was a Professor of Geology of Ukrainian Free University and in 1924-1929"s he was a Professor of Geology of Ukrainian higher pedagogical institute of M. Dragomanova in Prague. In 1928-1929"s Fedir Shvets agreed with h&is political associates Opanas Andriievskiy and Andrew Makarenko to create the Ukrainian People"s Council, which aim was to unite in emigration all exiled Ukrainians of Naddniprianshchyna. At that time Professor Shvets cooperated with Ukrainiannation&alists. However, these abilities to perform himself as a famous politician were not successful.Therefore, in 1930 Fedir Shvets was mostly Ukrainian writer and a lecturer of the Ukrainian workingUniversity of Prague.In his diaries Fedir Shvets express&ed life-philosophical thoughts about the sense of life, political leadership, the future of Ukraine. Specifi c data on the health status of Fedir Petrovych Shvets are not registered. On June 20, 1940 he died in Prague, from which he hadn"t moved even& after the Munich Conspiracy in 1938, according to which the greater part of Czechoslovakia was annexed. He was buried in the Prague Cemetery of Olshanskyi.

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