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Опис документа:

Автор: Цілина М.М.
Назва: Оніми в романі П. Куліша "Чорна рада"
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: C. 219-227
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Літературознавчі студії
Анотація:   Розглянуто тематичні групи власних назв у романі П. Куліша "Чорна рада". З"ясовано їхні структуру і походження, здійснено спробу всебічного аналізу таких найменувань. Найчисленнішими групами власних назв у романі є антропоніми й топоніми. Менш уживаними- астроніми, документоніми, ергоніми й теоніми.
   The article deals with thematic groups of own names in the novel of P. Kulish "Сhorna rada". Their structure and origin is clarified, an attempt was made to analyze such names in a comprehensive way. The largest groups of proper names in the novel are antroponims and toponims. Less commonly used are astronims, documentonims, ergonims and teonims. All identified onims in the novel are termed literary onomastics. Among the proper names found in the work are the names of real countries, territories, persons, rivers, cities and names created by the author himself. These are mostly literary antroponims. Looking deeper into the literary antroponims of the "Сhorna rada", we can trace a number of certain linguistic phenomena associated with this type of propriety. Famous historical figures are mentioned in the novel: Dmitry Vyshnevetsky, Bohdan Hmelnytsky, Ivan Vygovsky, Ivan Bryuhovetsky, Yakim Somko, Pavlo Teterya and others. This is entirely motivated &by the genre of the work. The chronology of names also affects princes Oleg, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Monomah. Often names are given in a comparative context. P. Kulish uses twomembered antroponims mainly for episodic characters and historical figures. &In the first place of the two-component designs of the novel is the name. The binomial structure of the geographical names of this historical novel is found mainly in microtoponimiya. The names of small geographical features are historical. Panteleim&on Kulish translated the Bible and was well versed in the names of saints, heroes of the Old and New Testaments. It is no accident that he introduces these proper names into the text of the novel "Сhorna rada". To confirm the opinions of the characte&rs, the author successfully uses quotations with biblical onimes. Another thematic group of proper names consists of the names for the names of historical time periods and documents. This is Hmelnytskyi, Getmanate, Berestetsky year, Gadyatsky points.& Following the structure, semantics and origin of the proper names of P. Kulish"s novel "Сhorna rada", we can conclude that these names have a connection with the historical Chernigiv region and Kyiv in their etymological and motivational basis. Thei&r structure is preferably one-component or two-component. The names of the geographical features have retained their dialect. Conducted scientific exploration will be useful in the further study of the onomastics of the works of Panteleimon Kulish an&d scientific research in the field of individual reproduction in fiction in general.

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