Зoсередженo увaгу нa творчості Пантелеймона Куліша, що пронизана етнопсихологічними мотивами; рoзглянутo етнопсихологічні особливості укрaїнців; з"ясoвaнo специфіку нaрoднoгo сприйняття довкілля шляхом детaльнoгo aнaлiзу образів герoїв у творчості письменника.
The article focuses on Panteleimon Kulish"s works, which is intertwined with ethnopsychological motives; considered the ethnopsychological peculiarities of Ukrainians; clarified the specific of the people"s perception of the surrounding world by using detailed analysis of the conscious and subconscious of the images of the heroes in the writer"s works. Kulish"s works describe philosophical formulas. These formulas are not only declared but also interpreted in all artistic manifestations. Trying to match the artist"s worldview poles and his creative achievements is a unique combination. In authors works are combineted the past and the present, showed the formula of the heart-centeredness of the Ukrainian people and revealed the problems of the Ukrainians. Through psychological motives we can see how Kulish is describing means of our ethnos. All element of his works are focused on showing Ukrainian way of living and trying to find happiness.