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Опис документа:

Автор: Кіряков О.
Назва: Фіви в міфологічному наративі беотійського етносу
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: С. 18-21
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Досліджено міфи беотійського етносу. Ці легендарні історії служили основою уявного минулого. Міфи формували менталітет давньогрецького суспільства. Автор намагається реконструювати міфи беотійського етносу та Фів. Різниця між регіональними та полісними легендами має дати відповідь на запитання, яку дійсно роль відігравали Фіви в уявному минулому беотійського етносу. У роботі використано давньогрецькі писемні джерела та літературу. Ця стаття є спробою зрозуміти, як створювалися, існували та впливали на життя стародавніх греків міфи.
   The article is devoted to the study of the Boiotians" myths. These legendary stories were a basis of the imagined past. So myths had formed the mentality of the Ancient Greek society. The main for Boiotian people was a myth about the own migration. We can find this tale in the "History" by Thucydides. But it was only a later retelling of the myths of the epic text. The first version of the tale we need to look for in the epic texts such as Homer"s "Iliad" and Hesiod"s poems. So myth about migration of Boiotians was the basis of the imagined past of the people of this region. Main role of the tale was played by Boiotians, who became eponym of the people.
   The author tried to recover myths about the polis of Thebes. Dif&ferences between regional and polis tales may answer the question: what was a real role played by polis of Thebes in the imagined past of Boiotian people. Ancient Greeks created a great number of myths about Thebes. A lot of these tales were a basis &for Attic classical tragedy. But none of the earliest mythological narratives of Thebes intersect with myth of the Boiotians origin. The biggest polis of the region didn"t play any role at the imagining past of the Boiotian people.
   But imagined past& could be changed. One of the examples we can find at Corinna"s poems. This source told us that first king of Thebes was a son of Boiotos. It was the newer tradition than an epic migration story. This tale appeared at the period of Thebes" hegemony. &And it has sense only as propaganda of polis of Thebes in the region. Mythological origin genealogy was softly rewriting of the imagined past. A new reality was created by using a poem in ritual. So, Thebes had a political motive to change imagine pa&st and used for that soft mythical genealogy. The repeating through the ritual should have justified this new tradition.
   This research is based on the ancient written sources and academic studies. The article is an attempt to understand how myths we&re created and influenced the life of Ancient Greeks.

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