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Автор: Жуковський І.
Назва: Розвиток ідеї арабського націоналізму в працях Саті аль-Хусрі
Видавництво: ВПЦ "Київський університет"
Сторінок: С. 14-17
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка
Анотація:   Проаналізовано праці та погляди одного з найвпливовіших теоретиків панарабізму та арабського націоналізму, арабського вченого Саті аль-Хусрі, та їх вплив на розвиток арабського націоналізму в країнах Близького Сходу. Виявлено велику кількість праць арабською мовою, де автор пояснює поняття єдності арабів, арабської нації на основі своїх досліджень історії Європи та Близького Сходу. Розглянуто перспективність подальших досліджень його спадщини та актуальність його ідей для сучасних арабських країн.
   Thearticle is dedicated to the influence of Sati" al-Husri philosophical, political and scientific heritage on the formation of Arab Nationalism and Pan-Arabism movements. The author analyzed main Sati" al-Husri"s works and noted direct citations and references to his ideology. As a synonym of the European word nation Sati" al-Husri used Arabic term al-ummah. By this concept he understood common language, culture, believes, state, history and common hopes for the future. His theory of Arab nationalism wasformed under the influence of European examples, primarily German and Polish national ideas. He was especially interested in the history of nations divided between several states. Thus, Arabs could claim their national identity without united Arab st&ate.
   According to Sati" al-Husri, Arab nation was formed even before the emergence of Islam and the main features of Arab national identity are Arabic language and common history. Even more, Sati" al-Husri argued that religious ties are weaker than &cultural ones, therefore Islam should not be a core of the Arab nationalism. Such approach allowed him to include non-Muslim Arabs into the Arab nation.
   In accordance with the theory of Sati" al-Husri, Arab identity should be above personal liberty.& Anyone should be ready to sacrifice himself for the benefit of national idea: "Patriotism and nationalism are above all". Rejecting personal freedom, Sati" al-Husri proposed to impose the Arab identity by force among Arabs with another identity - Sy&rian or Libyan etc. There should not be any other identity except of Arabian - as states Sati" al-Husri.
   During the reign of Faisal I of Iraq Sati" al-Husri was holding high offices in the ministry of education. His main goal was to educate patrioti&c and nationalist feelings among students in purpose of making them faithful to the idea of Arab unity.
   In conclusions the author states that nationalist ideas of Sati" al-Husri were authoritarian and manipulative. Despite the long existence of sepa&rate Arab states, the idea of Arab unity still remains relevant.

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